
UsageReader is in Preview status and is subject to change without notice. For more information about Preview status, see the GraphQL API policy.


Usage reader configuration response

This page contains


    id: String!

    Unique identifier for each usage reader

    vendorId: String!

    Unique identifier for vendor of the product

    productId: String!

    Unique identifier of the product

    name: String

    Name of usage reader

    status: UsageReaderStatus PREVIEW

    Status of usage reader

    usageItemType: UsageItemType! PREVIEW

    Type of incoming usage item i.e METERED or IAAS

    billable: Boolean!

    If true, reader is used for processing usage items that are billable

    parser: UsageEventParser! PREVIEW

    Parser information to parse the usage payload, contains ParserType i.e CSV or JSON and Parameters from usage payload

    rawFields: [UsageEventRawField!] PREVIEW

    List of fields which will be the part of usage request and their fieldReference from usage payload. Also contains Validator Parameters if some usage fields requires validations

    usageItemIdTransform: UsageEventFieldTransformer PREVIEW

    Transformation that needs to be applied on usageItemId field, contains TopologyType i.e GRAPH or DIRECT. If its GRAPH then it has transformerId field which is unique name for transformer, parameters field for that transformer for eg: key - 'generation_scheme', value: 'uuid' and arguments field which tells on which fields transformation needs to be applied.

    usageItemDateTransform: UsageEventFieldTransformer PREVIEW

    Transformation that needs to be applied on usageItemDate field, contains TopologyType i.e GRAPH or DIRECT. If its GRAPH then it has transformerId field for eg: 'epoch-transformer', parameters field and arguments field which tells on which fields transformation needs to be applied.

    enrichment: [UsageEventFieldEnrichmentTransformer!] PREVIEW

    Enrichment to be applied on the fields, contains map for fields for eg: key - usage payload fieldName ('quantity'), value - Transformation that needs to be applied on given key ('quantity') field, contains TopologyType i.eGRAPH or DIRECT. If its GRAPH then it has transformerId field which is unique name for transformer, parameters field for that transformer for eg: key - 'precision', value: '10' and arguments field which tells on which fields transformation needs to be applied.

    rating: [UsageEventRating!] PREVIEW

    Rating configurations contains a map used for pricing properties for eg: key: exchange-rate, value: partner-exchange-rate

    additionalAttributesEnrichment: [UsageEventFieldEnrichmentTransformer!] PREVIEW

    Enrichment to be applied on the additionalAttributes of usage paylaod, contains map for fields for eg: key - usage payload fieldName ('effectiveUnitPrice'), value - Transformation that needs to be applied on given key ('effectiveUnitPrice') field, contains TopologyType i.eGRAPH or DIRECT. If its GRAPH then it has transformerId field which is unique name for transformer, parameters field for that transformer for eg: key - 'precision', value: '10' and arguments field which tells on which fields transformation needs to be applied.

    createdDate: DateTime!

    DateTime when usage reader is created

    updatedDate: DateTime

    DateTime when usage reader is updated

    updatedBy: String!

    Email Id of author while updating the usage reader fields

    Queries for UsageReader

    usageReader PREVIEW

    Get a usage reader