
Represents details of termination fee on a pricing plan

This page contains


    terminationFeeType: TerminationFeeType!

    Type of termination fee PERCENTAGE, FLAT_RATE

    description: String

    Description for termination fee

    percentageFee: BigDecimal PREVIEW

    If its percentage fee the percentage amount 1 = 100%

    flatFee: [PricingMonetaryStructure!]

    Details of prices for termination fee

    terminationFeeGracePeriod: NonNegativeInt

    Grace period length before charging termination fee

    terminationFeeGracePeriodUnit: PricingPeriodUnit

    Grace period unit before charging termination fee

    contractStartGracePeriodType: ContractStartGracePeriodType

    Parent objects of PricingPlanTerminationFee


    type for contract details on a pricing plan