
ProductVariantsCreationProcess is in Preview status and is subject to change without notice. For more information about Preview status, see the GraphQL API policy.


Asynchronous ProductVariant creation process

This page contains


    id: ID!

    ProductVariantsCreationProcess identifier

    triggeredOn: DateTime!

    When the process was triggered by the client

    startedOn: DateTime

    When the creation process has started

    completedOn: DateTime

    When the creation process has completed

    product: Product! PREVIEW

    Associated Product for which variants are being created

    errors: [ProductVariantsCreationProcessExecutionError!] PREVIEW

    Errors linked to the creation process


    Mutations for ProductVariantsCreationProcess

    triggerProductVariantsCreation PREVIEW

    Trigger the creation of the variants for one product

    Queries for ProductVariantsCreationProcess

    productVariantsCreationProcess PREVIEW

    Query the variants creation process

    productVariantsCreationProcessByProductRefId PREVIEW

    Query the variants creation process by product ref id