
Input for updating price book

This page contains


    id ID!

    Unique identifier of price book

    name String

    New unique name for price book

    description String

    Description for price book

    modifiedBy String!

    Email id of user modifying the price book

    precedence Long

    Precedence of price book

    effectiveStartDate DateTime

    Date from which price book prices will be applicable. Value is not considered for Draft status

    effectiveEndDate DateTime

    Date after which price book prices will not be applicable. Value is not considered for Draft status

    removeEffectiveEndDate Boolean

    If true, effectiveEndDate field will be set to null for price book

    Default value: false

    externalSource PriceBookExternalSource PREVIEW

    External source to which price book prices are associated

    removeExternalSource Boolean PREVIEW

    If true, externalSource field will be set to null for price book

    Default value: false

    markupType PriceBookMarkupType

    Markup type for a price book

    Mutations for UpdatePriceBookInput


    Update name and description for a price book