
EnableProductVariantsInput is in Preview status and is subject to change without notice. For more information about Preview status, see the GraphQL API policy.


Attributes available to enable the product's variant(s)

This page contains


    productId ID!

    Id of the product to enable the product's variant(s)

    configuration [ProductVariantConfigurationInput!]! PREVIEW

    List of option, value that will be computed to correspond to one or more product variants. Example configuration:

    • [] -> to update all the variants for that product.
    • [{optionCode: 'Colour', valueCode: 'Blue'}] -> to update all "blue" variants.
    • [{optionCode: 'Colour', valueCode: 'Blue'}, {optionCode: 'Colour', valueCode: 'Green'}] -> to update the variants that are Blue or Green.
    • [{optionCode: 'Colour', valueCode: 'Blue'}, {optionCode: 'Size', valueCode: 'M'}] -> to update the variants of colour Blue and size M.

    Mutations for EnableProductVariantsInput

    enableProductVariants PREVIEW

    Enable a product variant