
Generate inbound client credentials for a product integration.

This page contains

    Authorization Rules

    This request requires authorization with at least one of the following scopes:







    input GenerateProductIntegrationInboundClientInput!

    Input to generate inbound client credentials for a product integration.

    GenerateProductIntegrationInboundClientInput fields

    id ID!

    Unique identifier of the product integration.

    Return Fields

    clientId String!

    Inbound Client ID which can be used for fetching the credentials used to sign incoming requests.

    clientSecret String!

    Inbound client secret used to sign incoming requests. This is only obtainable when generating an inbound client.

    createdOn DateTime!

    Timestamp showing when the credentials were created.

    userErrors [GenerateProductIntegrationInboundClientError!]

    List of errors found during credential generation (null if there are no errors).

    Interactive example

    This is an example mutation query. Use the embedded interactive tool below to edit the query.

    Hint: use Ctrl + Space for autocompleting fields.