Generate inbound client credentials for a product integration.
This page contains
input GenerateProductIntegrationInboundClientInput! | Input to generate inbound client credentials for a product integration. |
GenerateProductIntegrationInboundClientInput fields
id ID! | Unique identifier of the product integration. |
Return Fields
clientId String! | Inbound Client ID which can be used for fetching the credentials used to sign incoming requests. |
clientSecret String! | Inbound client secret used to sign incoming requests. This is only obtainable when generating an inbound client. |
createdOn DateTime! | Timestamp showing when the credentials were created. |
userErrors [GenerateProductIntegrationInboundClientError!] | List of errors found during credential generation (null if there are no errors). |
Interactive example
This is an example mutation query. Use the embedded interactive tool below to edit the query.
Hint: use Ctrl + Space for autocompleting fields.