
Input for setting marketplace sale or wholesale price for one/multiple/all products of the marketplace

This page contains


    markupPricingType MarkupPricingType!

    Defines the level to apply markup

    productIds [ID!]

    Unique identifier of the products

    flatFeePercentage BigDecimal PREVIEW

    Defines marketplace sale price or whole sale price for flat fee

    setupFeePercentage BigDecimal PREVIEW

    Defines marketplace sale price or whole sale price for setup fee

    contractFeePercentage BigDecimal PREVIEW

    Defines marketplace sale price or whole sale price for contract fee

    unitFeePercentage BigDecimal PREVIEW

    Defines marketplace sale price or whole sale price for unit fee

    unitSetupFeePercentage BigDecimal PREVIEW

    Defines marketplace sale price or whole sale price for unit setup fee

    triggeredBy String!

    Triggered by

    applyToAllProducts Boolean

    If true, markup will be applied to all products

    Default value: false

    Mutations for TriggerSetMarketplacePricesProcessInput


    Trigger a process to set marketplace sale or wholesale price for one/multiple/all products of the marketplace