
Update pricing information for edition

This page contains

    Authorization Rules

    This request requires authorization with at least one of the following scopes:





    input EditionPricingInput!

    Attributes to set pricing information on edition

    EditionPricingInput fields

    id ID!

    Edition Id

    trial PricingPeriodInput!

    The free trial duration

    expiredTrialGracePeriod NonNegativeInt

    Grace period after the end of the free trial

    revenueType RevenueType!

    Revenue type of edition

    upgradable Boolean!

    If true, upgrade is allowed

    downgradable Boolean!

    If true, downgrade is allowed

    cancellable Boolean!

    If true, user can cancel subscription in the middle of a cycle

    restricted Boolean!

    If true, edition is restricted

    includedItems [IncludedItemInput!]

    Specifies included amount of units in the base price. For example if you have 2 included USER and a price per user an order of 4 users will means 2 users included and the price per user will apply to the other 2

    Return Fields

    editionPricing EditionPricing

    Details of edition pricing entity

    userErrors [UpdateEditionPricingError!]

    Error details while updating edition pricing

    Interactive example

    This is an example mutation query. Use the embedded interactive tool below to edit the query.

    Hint: use Ctrl + Space for autocompleting fields.