
Input to define an additional settings form field.

This page contains


    label [LocalizedStringInput!]

    The localized prefix label(s) of the form field.

    suffix [LocalizedStringInput!]

    The localized suffix label(s) of the form field.

    type ProductIntegrationAdditionalSettingsFormFieldType!

    The type of input field associated with the form field.

    selectFieldOptions [ProductIntegrationAdditionalSettingsFormFieldOptionInput]

    The list of select options if the field type is SELECT.

    name String!

    The key identifying the field when it is submitted to the vendor's configured order validation endpoint.

    required Boolean

    Indicates whether the this form field is tagged as required or not

    repeatedForEachUnit Boolean

    Indicates whether this form field will be repeated for each purchased unit of an add-on. This allows collecting values specific to each purchased unit. If true, the short description of the add-on will replace the label of the form field.