
updateAccount is in Preview status and is subject to change without notice. For more information about Preview status, see the GraphQL API policy.


Update a marketplace account (company)

This page contains

    Authorization Rules

    This request requires authorization with at least one of the following scopes:








    input UpdateAccountInput! PREVIEW

    Specifies update attributes for a marketplace account (company)

    UpdateAccountInput fields

    id ID!

    Unique identifier of the account to be updated

    name String

    Name of the account

    countryCode String

    Country code of the account

    accessTypes [AccountAccessType!]

    The type of access that members of this account have

    externalId String

    Account external ID

    defaultRole AccountMembershipRole

    The default role newly created users receive

    customAttributes [CustomAttributeInput!] PREVIEW

    The custom attributes associated with the account's profile

    thirtyDaysPurchaseLimitExempt Boolean PREVIEW

    Exempt company from monthly spend limit

    thirtyDaysPurchaseLimitOverrideAmt BigDecimal PREVIEW

    Overrides monthly spend limit of company above monthly spend limit of marketplace

    dailyPurchaseLimitExempt Boolean PREVIEW

    Exempt company from daily spend limit

    dailyPurchaseLimitOverrideAmt BigDecimal PREVIEW

    Overrides daily spend limit of company above daily spend limit of marketplace

    dailyPurchaseLimit BigDecimal PREVIEW

    Daily spend limit of marketplace

    thirtyDaysPurchaseLimit BigDecimal PREVIEW

    Monthly spend limit of marketplace

    dailyPurchaseRemainingAmt BigDecimal PREVIEW

    Daily remaining spending amount

    thirtyDaysPurchaseRemainingAmt BigDecimal PREVIEW

    Monthly remaining spending amount

    Return Fields

    account Account PREVIEW
    userErrors [UpdateAccountError!] PREVIEW

    Interactive example

    This is an example mutation query. Use the embedded interactive tool below to edit the query.

    Hint: use Ctrl + Space for autocompleting fields.