
Input to set marketplace sale price or wholesale price for a pricing plan

This page contains


    pricingPlanId ID!

    Unique identifier of pricing plan

    markupPricingType MarkupPricingType!

    Defines the type of markup - Marketplace sale price (CHANNEL) or Wholesale price (CHANNEL_RESELLER)

    setupFee MarkupPriceInput

    Defines markup/markdown price for setup fee

    flatFee MarkupPriceInput

    Defines markup/markdown price for flat fee

    contractFee MarkupPriceInput

    Defines markup/markdown price for contract fee

    units [MarkupUnitPriceInput]

    Defines markup/markdown price for various units in pricing plan

    Mutations for SetMarketplacePriceInput


    Set marketplace sale price or wholesale price for a pricing plan