Input for setting contract details on a pricing plan
This page contains
blockSwitchToShorterContract Boolean! | If true, switching to shorter contract is blocked |
allowContractRestrictionBypass Boolean! | If true, allow bypass contract restrictions is enabled |
blockContractDowngrades Boolean! | If true, downgrade during contract is blocked |
blockContractUpgrades Boolean! | If true, upgrade during contract is blocked |
continueWithoutContract Boolean! | if true renew the subscription without contract at the end of the contract |
keepContractDateOnPlanChange Boolean! | Set to true to keep contract date on pricing plan change |
keepContractDateOnPlanChangeDifferentDuration Boolean | Set to true to keep contract date when changing to a pricing plan of a different duration |
keepBillDateOnPlanChangeSameContractLength Boolean | Set to true to keep bill date when changing to a pricing plan of the same duration |
keepBillDateOnPlanChangeDifferentContractLength Boolean | Set to true to keep bill date when changing to a pricing plan of a different duration |
alignWithParentCycleStartDate Boolean! | Set to true to align billing cycle with parent application (addons) |
gracePeriod PricingPeriodInput! | Grace period |
terminationFee TerminationFeeInput | Termination fee details in case of contract cancellation |
autoExtensionPricingId ID | Defines the id of the plan to which subscription will be renewed at the end of contract |
endOfContractGracePeriod NonNegativeInt | End of contract grace period |
contractCancellationPeriodLimit NonNegativeInt | Contract cancellation period limit |
minimumServiceLength NonNegativeInt | Duration of the contract in number of cycle (minimumServiceLength * pricingDuration) |