
Returns pricing plan information for provided id

This page contains

    Authorization Rules

    This request requires authorization with at least one of the following scopes:






    id ID!

    Unique identifier of a pricing plan

    resellerCompanyId ID

    Unique identifier of the reseller company. (To be deprecated - Use markupFilter to provide id for reseller company)

    returnFeesAsCosts Boolean

    If true, all fees on the pricing plan will be returned in the costs array instead of specific fields for flat fee, setup fee, unit fee and contract fee. If true, company or segment specific prices won't be returned for the plan and markupFilter is not used. This field has been added for backward compatibility and costs array will be eventually deprecated

    markupFilter PricingPlanMarkupFilterInput

    Attributes to return markup prices for the plan

    Return Fields

    PricingPlan PREVIEW

    Definition of a pricing plan

    Interactive example

    This is an example query. Use the embedded interactive tool below to edit the query.

    Hint: use Ctrl + Space for autocompleting fields.