
Input to create a product integration.

This page contains


    name String

    The name of the product integration.

    vendorId ID

    Unique identifier of the product vendor.

    tenant String

    Tenant in which the integration is defined.

    createUrl URL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type SUBSCRIPTION_ORDER.

    createUrlInteractive Boolean

    Indicates whether the associated SUBSCRIPTION_ORDER Event URL is interactive.

    upgradeUrl URL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGE.

    upgradeUrlInteractive Boolean

    Indicates whether the associated SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGE Event URL is interactive.

    cancelUrl URL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL.

    cancelUrlInteractive Boolean

    Indicates whether the associated SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL Event URL is interactive.

    notifyUrl URL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type SUBSCRIPTION_NOTICE.

    eventStatusUrl URL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS.

    addonNotificationUrl URL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type:

    assignUrl URL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type USER_ASSIGNMENT.

    unassignUrl URL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type USER_UNASSIGNMENT.

    userUpdatedUrl URL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type USER_UPDATED.

    multipleSubscriptionsEnabled Boolean

    Indicates whether the associated products can be purchased more than once, that is, whether they are stackable products. Note that WEB_APP_STACKED product type is deprecated. This flag is used instead.

    notificationEmail EmailAddress

    E-mail address used to send any kind of vendor notifications. This attribute is marked as optional, but some legacy flows may require it.

    preSubmitValidationRequired Boolean

    Indicates whether the user must explicitly validate settings (by clicking a button) before submitting them and continuing the purchase.

    orderRequireFormFields Boolean

    Indicates whether the purchaser must provide additional information for this product integration during the purchase. The additional information is described by additionalSettingsForms.

    updateRequireFormFields Boolean

    Indicates whether the additional information must also be provided during a product upgrade.

    additionalSettingsForms [ProductIntegrationAdditionalSettingsFormInput]

    List of forms to be collected during checkout when orderRequireFormFields is set to true.

    orderValidationUrl URL

    Validation URL used to perform the validation of the additional information values during a purchase or update.

    outboundCredentials ProductIntegrationOutboundCredentialsInput

    Outbound credentials used to sign outgoing requests.

    domainAssociationConfiguration DomainAssociationConfigurationInput

    For products that require domains, input to configure the domain association.

    domainManagementEnabled Boolean

    Indicates whether a customer must purchase a domain, or add a domain that they already own, when they purchase this product.

    restrictionUrl URL

    URL used to check whether restrictions apply to the purchase or upgrade of this product. No placeholders available.

    vendorRequiredFieldsUrl URL

    For a connector integration with vendor required fields, the URL to fetch vendor required fields

    vendorValidationsUrl URL

    For a connector integration with vendor required fields, the URL to validate vendor required fields

    Mutations for CreateProductIntegrationInput


    Create product integration.