Represent a form containing the product fields of the cart item
This page contains
isvIdentifier: String | Represent the unqiue identifier for ISV who owns the product |
context: CartFieldsFormContext! PREVIEW | Represents context of the product fields form. Cart level means that any other product in the cart by the same vendor should share the same data. |
title: String | Represents the title of the form |
subTitle: String | Represents subtitle of the form |
showFormControlLabel: String | Represents the label to be shown for the checkbox controlling the form visibility |
hiddenByDefault: Boolean | Represents whether form needs to be hidden or not |
fields: [CartField!]! PREVIEW | Represents the fields in the form |
Parent objects of CartItemProductFieldsForm
CartItemProductFields PREVIEW | Represents the product fields of the item in the cart |