
Input for adding new units to the plan

This page contains


    unit String!


    pricingStrategy UnitPricingStrategy!

    Price strategy for the unit

    unitRangePrices [PricingPlanUnitRangeFeeInput!]!

    Defines prices for different unit ranges

    setupFee PricingPlanFeeInput

    Defines price for setup fee on the unit

    meteredUsage Boolean

    If true, charge for usage is measured on an ongoing basis

    Default value: false

    increment BigDecimal PREVIEW

    Quantity in increments that user will have to buy

    showPricePerIncrement Boolean

    If true, quantity increments would be displayed during purchase in multiples of value provided in increment field.

    Default value: false

    canDecreaseUnitQuantityOnSubscriptionUpdate Boolean

    If true, unit quantity decreases are allowed while updating the subscription

    Default value: true

    canIncreaseUnitQuantityOnSubscriptionUpdate Boolean

    If true, unit quantity increases are allowed while updating the subscription

    Default value: true

    blockMidContractUnitQuantityDecrease Boolean

    If true, unit quantity decreases are not allowed mid-contract. The changes will take effect after the current contract ends.

    Default value: false

    blockMidContractOriginalUnitQuantityDecrease Boolean

    If true, unit quantity decreases fewer than the original quantity purchased are not allowed mid-contract. The changes will take effect after the current contract ends.

    Default value: false

    blockMidContractUnitQuantityIncrease Boolean

    If true, unit quantity increases are not allowed mid-contract. The changes will take effect after the current contract ends.

    Default value: false