
InvoiceLine is in Preview status and is subject to change without notice. For more information about Preview status, see the GraphQL API policy.


Definition of an InvoiceLine

This page contains


    id: ID!

    ID of the invoice line (an integer)

    invoiceId: ID!

    ID of the invoice that holds this line (a UUID)

    description: String

    Description of invoice line

    quantity: BigDecimal! PREVIEW

    Number of units

    unitPrice: BigDecimal! PREVIEW

    Price per unit

    total: BigDecimal! PREVIEW

    Total price

    buyer: InvoiceParty PREVIEW

    Item buyer

    provider: InvoiceParty PREVIEW

    Item provider

    period: Period PREVIEW

    Subscription period

    cost: InvoiceLineCost PREVIEW

    Subscription cost

    subscription: InvoiceSubscription PREVIEW


    billingCharge: InvoiceBillingCharge PREVIEW

    Billing charge

    product: InvoiceProduct PREVIEW


    edition: InvoiceEdition PREVIEW


    pricingPlan: InvoicePricingPlan PREVIEW

    Pricing plan

    discount: InvoiceDiscount PREVIEW


    costPeriod: InvoiceCostPeriod PREVIEW

    Cost period

    internalId: Int! @deprecated( reason: "No longer supported" )PREVIEW

    Internal Id of the invoice line

    balanceCreatedOn: DateTime! PREVIEW

    Creation date of the invoice in customer balance service

    balance: Decimal PREVIEW

    Invoice Line Balance

    invoiceLineItems: [InvoiceLineItem] PREVIEW

    Invoice Lines Items

    Parent objects of InvoiceLine

    CreditMemoLine PREVIEW

    Definition of an credit memo line

    Invoice PREVIEW

    Definition of an invoice

    Queries for InvoiceLine

    invoice PREVIEW

    Retrieve an invoice by id