Definition of an InvoiceLine
This page contains
id: ID! | ID of the invoice line (an integer) |
invoiceId: ID! | ID of the invoice that holds this line (a UUID) |
description: String | Description of invoice line |
quantity: BigDecimal! PREVIEW | Number of units |
unitPrice: BigDecimal! PREVIEW | Price per unit |
total: BigDecimal! PREVIEW | Total price |
buyer: InvoiceParty PREVIEW | Item buyer |
provider: InvoiceParty PREVIEW | Item provider |
period: Period PREVIEW | Subscription period |
cost: InvoiceLineCost PREVIEW | Subscription cost |
subscription: InvoiceSubscription PREVIEW | Subscription |
billingCharge: InvoiceBillingCharge PREVIEW | Billing charge |
product: InvoiceProduct PREVIEW | Product |
edition: InvoiceEdition PREVIEW | Edition |
pricingPlan: InvoicePricingPlan PREVIEW | Pricing plan |
discount: InvoiceDiscount PREVIEW | Discount |
costPeriod: InvoiceCostPeriod PREVIEW | Cost period |
internalId: Int! @deprecated( reason: "No longer supported" )PREVIEW | Internal Id of the invoice line |
balanceCreatedOn: DateTime! PREVIEW | Creation date of the invoice in customer balance service |
balance: Decimal PREVIEW | Invoice Line Balance |
invoiceLineItems: [InvoiceLineItem] PREVIEW | Invoice Lines Items |
Parent objects of InvoiceLine
CreditMemoLine PREVIEW | Definition of an credit memo line |
Invoice PREVIEW | Definition of an invoice |
Queries for InvoiceLine
invoice PREVIEW | Retrieve an invoice by id |