Represent the metadata related to the file
This page contains
key: String! | |
value: String! |
Parent objects of FileMetadata
DownloadableFile | Represent a file in DOWNLOADABLE status. If the validations succeed, the file becomes downloadable. |
ExpiredFile | Represent a file in EXPIRED status. If a file is not uploaded within the time limit, the file becomes expired. It contains the time at which it expired. |
InvalidFile | Represent a file in INVALID status, if the validations on the file fail, the file becomes invalid. |
StagedFile | A staged file represents a file that is waiting to be uploaded. It contains a link to which the client can POST the file as well as an expiration time. |
ValidatingFile | Represent a file in VALIDATING status. Once the file is uploaded, the file service gets notified and can execute some validations on the file if needed. |