
BillingChargeDiscount is in Preview status and is subject to change without notice. For more information about Preview status, see the GraphQL API policy.


Discount detail of the billing charge

This page contains


    detail: BillingChargeDiscountDetail! PREVIEW

    Detail of the discount entity

    priceDefinition: PriceDefinition! PREVIEW

    Price definition of this discount

    endDate: Date

    Discount end date if any

    Parent objects of BillingChargeDiscount

    FreeBillingCharge PREVIEW

    Free billing charge which is part of main billing charge

    OneTimeBillingCharge PREVIEW

    One time billing charge which is part of main billing charge

    RecurringBillingCharge PREVIEW

    Recurring billing charge which is part of main billing charge

    SetupBillingCharge PREVIEW

    Setup billing charge which is part of child billing charge