
Create a price book

This page contains

    Authorization Rules

    This request requires authorization with at least one of the following scopes:




    input CreatePriceBookInput!

    Attributes to create a price book

    CreatePriceBookInput fields

    name String

    Unique name for price book

    description String

    Description for price book

    createdBy String!

    Email id of user creating price book

    externalSource PriceBookExternalSource PREVIEW

    External source to which price book prices are associated

    markupType PriceBookMarkupType

    Markup type for a price book

    Return Fields

    priceBook PriceBook

    Price book details

    userErrors [CreatePriceBookError!]

    Error details while creating price book

    Interactive example

    This is an example mutation query. Use the embedded interactive tool below to edit the query.

    Hint: use Ctrl + Space for autocompleting fields.