
Represents the details of a price book version

This page contains


    id: ID!

    Unique identifier for price book version

    priceBookId: ID!

    Unique identifier for price book

    name: String

    Name of price book for given version

    description: String

    Description of price book for given version

    createdOn: DateTime

    Creation date of price book for given version

    modifiedOn: DateTime

    Updation date of price book for given version

    createdBy: String

    User who created the price book for given version

    modifiedBy: String

    User who modified the price book for given version

    version: Long!

    Version of the price book for given version

    versionedBy: String

    User who versioned the price book

    versionedDate: DateTime

    Versioned date of the price book

    priceBookVersionEntries: [PriceBookVersionEntry!]

    List of custom price entries for different plans for given version

    priceBookVersionConditions: [PriceBookVersionCondition!]

    List of conditions associated with price book for given version

    precedence: Long

    precedence of price book for given version

    status: String

    Status of price book for given version

    effectiveStartDate: DateTime

    Price applicable based on mentioned date for given version

    effectiveEndDate: DateTime

    Price not applicable after end date for given version

    externalSource: String

    External source to which price book prices are associated for given version

    Mutations for PriceBookVersionDetails


    Creates price book version by price book Id or updates price book version by its Id

    Queries for PriceBookVersionDetails


    Return price book version details