
Represents the details of a price book version

This page contains


    id: ID!

    Unique identifier for price book version

    priceBookId: ID!

    Unique identifier for price book

    name: String

    Name of price book for given version

    description: String

    Description of price book for given version

    createdOn: DateTime

    Creation date of price book for given version

    modifiedOn: DateTime

    Updation date of price book for given version

    createdBy: String

    User who created the price book for given version

    modifiedBy: String

    User who modified the price book for given version

    version: Long!

    Version of the price book for given version

    versionedBy: String

    User who versioned the price book

    versionedDate: DateTime

    Versioned date of the price book

    priceBookVersionEntries: [PriceBookVersionEntry!]

    List of custom price entries for different plans for given version

    priceBookVersionConditions: [PriceBookVersionCondition!]

    List of conditions associated with price book for given version

    precedence: Long

    precedence of price book for given version

    status: String

    Status of price book for given version

    effectiveStartDate: DateTime

    Price applicable based on mentioned date for given version

    effectiveEndDate: DateTime

    Price not applicable after end date for given version

    externalSource: String

    External source to which price book prices are associated for given version

    markupType: PriceBookMarkupType

    Markup type for a price book

    Mutations for PriceBookVersionDetails


    Creates price book version by price book Id or updates price book version by its Id

    Queries for PriceBookVersionDetails


    Return price book version details