
Attributes of an integration configuration.

This page contains


    id: ID!

    Unique identifier of the integration configuration.

    version: String!

    Version of the integration:

    • "WORKING" for the current working version.
    • "PUBLISHED" for the latest published version.
    • "PARTNER" for a partner integration.
    • a product publication request ID for the version at the moment the product's publication was requested. This will only occur for a non-suite integration, when accessed via the productPublicationRequest query.
    state: IntegrationConfigurationState! @deprecated( reason: "Replaced with version field" )


    tag: ID @deprecated( reason: "Replaced with version field" )

    Tag of the request used to publish the product associated with this integration configuration.

    type: IntegrationType

    Type of the integration configuration.

    createdOn: DateTime

    Timestamp showing when the integration configuration was created.

    lastModified: DateTime

    Timestamp of the last update to the integration configuration.

    name: String

    The name of the integration configuration.

    appMarketId: Int

    Monolith's unique identifier. Until there are data in the monolith's app_integration_configurations database table, this value must be provided when creating a new entry.

    vendorId: ID

    Unique identifier of the vendor.

    partner: String

    If provided, this is a marketplace integration configuration, i.e. this will be the integration configuration used for product types relying on the common centralized integration configuration (eg.: product types with the flag CHANNEL_INTEGRATED).

    createUrl: ProductIntegrationEventURL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type SUBSCRIPTION_ORDER.

    createUrlInteractive: Boolean

    Indicates whether the associated SUBSCRIPTION_ORDER Event URL is interactive.

    upgradeUrl: ProductIntegrationEventURL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGE.

    upgradeUrlInteractive: Boolean

    Indicates whether the associated SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGE Event URL is interactive.

    cancelUrl: ProductIntegrationEventURL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL.

    cancelUrlInteractive: Boolean

    Indicates whether the associated SUBSCRIPTION_CANCEL Event URL is interactive.

    notifyUrl: ProductIntegrationEventURL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type SUBSCRIPTION_NOTICE.

    eventStatusUrl: URL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS.

    addonNotificationUrl: URL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type:

    assignUrl: ProductIntegrationEventURL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type USER_ASSIGNMENT.

    unassignUrl: ProductIntegrationEventURL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type USER_UNASSIGNMENT.

    userUpdatedUrl: URL

    Integration Event URL for marketplace events of type USER_UPDATED.

    lastTest: ProductIntegrationTest

    Last integration configuration test.

    multipleSubscriptionsEnabled: Boolean

    Indicates whether the associated products can be purchased more than once, that is, whether they are stackable products. Note that WEB_APP_STACKED product type is deprecated. This flag is used instead.

    notificationEmail: String

    E-mail address used to send any kind of vendor notifications. This attribute is marked as optional, but some legacy flows may require it.

    preSubmitValidationRequired: Boolean

    Indicates whether the user must explicitly validate settings (by clicking a button) before submitting them and continuing the purchase.

    orderRequireFormFields: Boolean

    Indicates whether the purchaser must provide additional information for this product integration during the purchase. The additional information is described by additionalSettingsForms.

    updateRequireFormFields: Boolean

    Indicates whether the additional information must also be provided during a product upgrade.

    additionalSettingsForms: [ProductIntegrationAdditionalSettingsForm]

    List of forms to be collected during checkout when orderRequireFormFields is set to true.

    orderValidationUrl: URL

    Validation URL used to perform the validation of the additional information values during a purchase or update.

    inboundClientId: String

    Inbound client ID which can be used for fetching the credentials used to sign incoming requests.

    outboundCredentials: ProductIntegrationOutboundCredentials

    Outbound credentials used to sign outgoing requests.

    domainAssociationConfiguration: DomainAssociationConfiguration

    For products that require domains, input to configure the domain association.

    domainManagementEnabled: Boolean

    Indicates whether a customer must purchase a domain, or add a domain that they already own, when they purchase this product.

    restrictionUrl: URL

    URL used to check whether restrictions apply to the purchase or upgrade of this product. No placeholders available.

    vendorRequiredFieldsUrl: URL

    For a connector integration with vendor required fields, the URL to fetch vendor required fields.

    vendorValidationsUrl: URL

    For a connector integration with vendor required fields, the URL to validate vendor required fields.

    validationErrors: [ProductIntegrationValidationError!]

    Validation errors found when resolving the integration configuration (null if there are no errors).