Definition of an invoice
This page contains
id: ID! | ID of the invoice |
locale: Locale! | The invoice locale. |
localized: Boolean! | Flag indicating if invoice is localized. |
displayTaxBreakdown: Boolean! | Flag indicated if tax breakdown is displayed |
invoiceNumber: String! | Invoice number |
billingRelationshipOwnerInvoiceNumber: String | Invoice Sequence Number as defined by the merchant of record |
tenant: String! | Tenant (partner) to which invoice belongs |
status: String | Invoice status |
creditNote: Boolean! | Flag indicating if invoice is a credit note |
currency: Currency! | Invoice currency, ISO 4217 code |
invoiceDate: Date! | Date the invoice was created |
paymentTerms: InvoicePaymentTerms! PREVIEW | Invoice payment terms |
seller: InvoiceSeller PREVIEW | Invoice Merchant Of Record |
customer: InvoiceParty! PREVIEW | Customer |
lines: [InvoiceLine!]! PREVIEW | Invoice lines |
amountDue: BigDecimal! PREVIEW | Amount due on invoice |
amountPaid: BigDecimal PREVIEW | Amount paid on invoice |
subtotal: BigDecimal! PREVIEW | Subtotal of invoice |
totalTax: BigDecimal! PREVIEW | Total tax amount on invoice |
carriedBalance: BigDecimal PREVIEW | Balance carried to this invoice |
total: BigDecimal! PREVIEW | Total amount of invoice |
taxDetails: [InvoiceTaxDetail!] PREVIEW | Tax details of invoice |
carriedInvoices: [Invoice!] PREVIEW | Invoices carried onto this invoice |
balanceCreatedOn: DateTime! PREVIEW | Creation date of the invoice in customer balance service |
balanceUpdatedOn: DateTime! PREVIEW | Last updated date of the invoice in customer balance service |
balanceCustomer: BalanceCustomer! PREVIEW | Customer |
balance: Decimal PREVIEW | Invoice Balance |
balanceStatus: InvoiceBalanceStatus PREVIEW | Status of invoice in customer balance service |
appliedPayments: [AppliedPayment] PREVIEW | Payments applied to the invoice |
appliedCreditMemos: [AppliedCreditMemo] PREVIEW | Credit memos applied to the invoice |
Parent objects of Invoice
AppliedToInvoice PREVIEW | Definition of an invoice with a payment or credit memo application |
BalanceInvoiceConnection PREVIEW | |
BalanceTransaction PREVIEW | Definition of Transaction. |
CreditMemo PREVIEW | Definition of an credit memo |
Invoice PREVIEW | Definition of an invoice |
InvoiceConnection PREVIEW | |
Payment PREVIEW | Definition of a payment |
RefundProperties PREVIEW | Definition of credit memo refund properties |
Mutations for Invoice
voidInvoice PREVIEW | Void an invoice |
Queries for Invoice
creditMemo PREVIEW | |
invoice PREVIEW | Retrieve an invoice by id |
invoices PREVIEW | Retrieve invoices |
payment PREVIEW | Retrieve a payment by id |
paymentByPaymentNumber PREVIEW | Retrieve a payment by payment number |