
Invoice is in Preview status and is subject to change without notice. For more information about Preview status, see the GraphQL API policy.


Definition of an invoice

This page contains


    id: ID!

    ID of the invoice

    locale: Locale!

    The invoice locale.

    localized: Boolean!

    Flag indicating if invoice is localized.

    displayTaxBreakdown: Boolean!

    Flag indicated if tax breakdown is displayed

    invoiceNumber: String!

    Invoice number

    billingRelationshipOwnerInvoiceNumber: String

    Invoice Sequence Number as defined by the merchant of record

    tenant: String!

    Tenant (partner) to which invoice belongs

    status: String

    Invoice status

    creditNote: Boolean!

    Flag indicating if invoice is a credit note

    currency: Currency!

    Invoice currency, ISO 4217 code

    invoiceDate: Date!

    Date the invoice was created

    paymentTerms: InvoicePaymentTerms! PREVIEW

    Invoice payment terms

    seller: InvoiceSeller PREVIEW

    Invoice Merchant Of Record

    customer: InvoiceParty! PREVIEW


    lines: [InvoiceLine!]! PREVIEW

    Invoice lines

    amountDue: BigDecimal! PREVIEW

    Amount due on invoice

    amountPaid: BigDecimal PREVIEW

    Amount paid on invoice

    subtotal: BigDecimal! PREVIEW

    Subtotal of invoice

    totalTax: BigDecimal! PREVIEW

    Total tax amount on invoice

    carriedBalance: BigDecimal PREVIEW

    Balance carried to this invoice

    total: BigDecimal! PREVIEW

    Total amount of invoice

    taxDetails: [InvoiceTaxDetail!] PREVIEW

    Tax details of invoice

    carriedInvoices: [Invoice!] PREVIEW

    Invoices carried onto this invoice

    balanceCreatedOn: DateTime! PREVIEW

    Creation date of the invoice in customer balance service

    balanceUpdatedOn: DateTime! PREVIEW

    Last updated date of the invoice in customer balance service

    balanceCustomer: BalanceCustomer! PREVIEW


    balance: Decimal PREVIEW

    Invoice Balance

    balanceStatus: InvoiceBalanceStatus PREVIEW

    Status of invoice in customer balance service

    appliedPayments: [AppliedPayment] PREVIEW

    Payments applied to the invoice

    appliedCreditMemos: [AppliedCreditMemo] PREVIEW

    Credit memos applied to the invoice

    Parent objects of Invoice

    AppliedToInvoice PREVIEW

    Definition of an invoice with a payment or credit memo application

    BalanceInvoiceConnection PREVIEW
    BalanceTransaction PREVIEW

    Definition of Transaction.

    CreditMemo PREVIEW

    Definition of an credit memo

    Invoice PREVIEW

    Definition of an invoice

    InvoiceConnection PREVIEW
    Payment PREVIEW

    Definition of a payment

    RefundProperties PREVIEW

    Definition of credit memo refund properties

    Mutations for Invoice

    voidInvoice PREVIEW

    Void an invoice

    Queries for Invoice

    creditMemo PREVIEW
    invoice PREVIEW

    Retrieve an invoice by id

    invoices PREVIEW

    Retrieve invoices

    payment PREVIEW

    Retrieve a payment by id

    paymentByPaymentNumber PREVIEW

    Retrieve a payment by payment number