Create a price change event for the specific subscription ID, using the provided Price Definition ID and strategy.
This page contains
subscriptionPriceChangeInput SubscriptionPriceChangeInput! PREVIEW |
SubscriptionPriceChangeInput fields
subscriptionId ID! | The subscription for which the price change should be applied |
priceDefinitionId ID! | The price definition that should be used for the price change |
strategy PriceChangeRequestStrategy! PREVIEW | Price change request strategy: NEXT_BILLING_PERIOD, END_OF_CONTRACT |
Return Fields
subscription SubscriptionDefinition PREVIEW | Subscription definition |
billingCharge MainBillingCharge PREVIEW | Billing charge definition |
priceDefinition PriceDefinition PREVIEW | Price definition |
userErrors [RequestSubscriptionPriceChangeError!] PREVIEW | User errors |
Interactive example
This is an example mutation query. Use the embedded interactive tool below to edit the query.
Hint: use Ctrl + Space for autocompleting fields.