An account (that is, a company) in the marketplace
This page contains
id: ID! PREVIEW | Represents Account ID |
creditMemos(filter: CreditMemoFilter!, orderBy: [CreditMemoOrderBy], first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): CreditMemoAccountConnection! | |
name: String | Name of the account |
status: AccountStatus! | Current status of the account |
accessTypes: [AccountAccessType!] | The type of access that members of this account (company) have |
createdOn: DateTime | Account creation date and time |
defaultRole: AccountMembershipRole! | Default role given to new members of the account |
externalId: String | Unique external identifier of the account |
countryCode: String | Country code of the account |
website: String | The URL for the account's website |
contactAddress: AccountContactAddress | The contact address of an account (that is, a company) |
assignableRoles: AccountAssignableRoles | Account assignable roles |
customAttributes: [CustomAttribute!] PREVIEW | The custom attributes associated with the account |
contactPhoneNumber: PhoneNumber | Phone number of the account in E164 format |
contactEmail: EmailAddress | Email address of the account |
vanityUrl: String PREVIEW | Vanity url |
idpId: String PREVIEW | UUID of the identity provider that the user will always use to log in |
tenant: String PREVIEW | The Tenant that account belongs to |
companySize: AccountSize PREVIEW | The company size |
thirtyDaysPurchaseLimitExempt: Boolean PREVIEW | Exempt company from monthly spend limit |
thirtyDaysPurchaseLimitOverrideAmt: BigDecimal PREVIEW | Overrides monthly spend limit of company above monthly spend limit of marketplace |
dailyPurchaseLimitExempt: Boolean PREVIEW | Exempt company from daily spend limit |
dailyPurchaseLimitOverrideAmt: BigDecimal PREVIEW | Overrides daily spend limit of company above daily spend limit of marketplace |
allowMembershipCreationByMarketplaceUsers: Boolean PREVIEW | Allow membership creation by marketplace users |
accountMemberships(first: Int, after: String, before: String, last: Int, filter: AccountMembershipDetailsFilter): AccountMembershipDetailsConnection! | The list of memberships associated with the account |
programApplicant: ProgramApplicant PREVIEW | |
webhookConfigurations(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, filter: WebhookConfigurationFilter): AccountWebhookConfigurationConnection! | Paginated list of webhook configurations for the account |
webhooks(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, filter: WebhookFilter): AccountWebhookConnection! | Paginated list of webhooks for the account |
Parent objects of Account
AccountAssociation | A reseller account association with customer account in the marketplace |
AccountConnection | A connection type used to page through a list of accounts |
AccountInfo PREVIEW | |
AccountMembership PREVIEW | A membership (user to company association) defined on the marketplace |
Cart PREVIEW | The cart of a user containing one or more items to be purchased |
InvoiceCompany PREVIEW | Company for invoice. Contains a reference to current company and company data recorded at invoice creation. |
Payer PREVIEW | Definition of a payer. It is the user that has to pay to a merchant. |
Product PREVIEW | Product definition |
ProductIntegration | Attributes available for a product integration. |
RefundAuthor PREVIEW | Definition of a refund author |
UserMembershipDetails | A user membership in marketplace |
WebhookAccountScope | Account scope of resources to get notified about through webhooks |
Mutations for Account
createAccount PREVIEW | Create a new marketplace account (company) |
updateAccount PREVIEW | Update a marketplace account (company) |
Queries for Account
account | Retrieve an account by ID |
accountByExternalId | Retrieve an account by external ID |
accountMembership | Retrieve an account membership by account ID and user ID |
accounts | Retrieve a list of accounts |
activeCart PREVIEW | Retrieves active cart of the user |
activeCartOfUser PREVIEW | Retrieves active cart of the user |
product | Query a product |
productIntegration | Query product integrations by integration ref ID and version. |