
Input for updating pricing plan

This page contains


    editionId ID

    Edition reference id to which the pricing plan is attached to. If value for this field is set, please provide the plan details in pricingPlan field. (Deprecated - Not required with the latest release. Only pricingPlanId needs to be provided)

    pricingPlanId ID!

    Unique identifier of working version of the pricing plan

    pricingPlan PricingPlanUpdateInput

    Details for the pricing plan. This field should be used together with editionId (Deprecated - Use fields at root level to define details for the pricing plan)

    billingFrequency PricingDuration PREVIEW

    Length of the billing cycle

    allowCustomUsage Boolean

    If true, reporting metered usage with arbitrary cost and description is allowed

    keepBillingCycleOnUsageChange Boolean

    If true, the billing date for a subscription will not change when a customer updates the quantity of units they have purchased

    keepBillingCycleOnPricingPlanChange Boolean

    If true, the billing date for a subscription will not change when a pricing plan is changed. A pricing plan change takes precedence over a unit quantity or usage change.

    separatePrepaidOrder Boolean

    If true, all metered usage will be charged at the end of the billing cycle. Any other fees will be pre-paid at the beginning of the billing cycle.

    removeFlatFee Boolean

    If true, the flat fee will be removed.

    Default value: false

    flatFee PricingPlanFeeInput

    Defines a new price for flat fee of pricing plan

    removeSetupFee Boolean

    If true, the setup fee will be removed.

    Default value: false

    setupFee PricingPlanFeeInput

    Defines a new price for setup fee of pricing plan

    unitFees UpdatePricingPlanUnitFeesInput

    Defines the fields to add, update or remove unit prices of pricing plan

    removeContract Boolean

    If true, the contract will be removed.

    Default value: false

    contract UpdatePricingPlanContractInput

    Defines a contract

    Mutations for UpdatePricingPlanInput


    Updates an existing pricing plan