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Transfer subscriptions from Adobe VIP Program to Adobe VIP Marketplace

This section provides detailed steps for migrating Adobe subscriptions from Adobe VIP (Value Incentive Plan) to Adobe VIP Marketplace using the AppDirect platform. A pre-migration utility simplifies the process, allowing customers to complete the necessary actions with a few clicks.

Important Notes

  • Batch processing: Only one batch can be processed at a time. Complete the current batch before starting another.

  • Product consistency: Avoid multiple products with identical edition codes in the marketplace. Only the latest product will be processed; non-syndicated products are prioritized.

  • Timely migration: Migrate subscriptions immediately after generating migration files to avoid discrepancies with Adobe.

  • Ineligible IDs: Remove any ineligible membership IDs from the list after performing eligibility checks.


  • Adobe integration: Adobe integration must be configured on the marketplace.

  • Published Adobe products: Ensure all Adobe products being migrated are published on the marketplace.

  • Consent Service: Configure the Consent Service template and terms with all supported locales.

  • File verification: Manually verify and remove any ineligible records before migration.

  • File specifications: Ensure the input files include the expireOpenPas and ignoreOrderReturn columns with appropriate values (defaults to false).

  • Batch size: Limit each batch to a maximum of 50 records.

  • Billing consistency: Ensure all memberships in a file have the same billing frequency (annual, monthly, or multi-year).

  • Special configurations: Enable and configure specific features for migrating customers on 3-year commit (3YC), Extended Term Options (ETO), and Linked Memberships.

  • Before migrating any Linked Membership customer, the partner must ensure that the Linked Membership admin is migrated first before migrating other affiliates.

    • After the admin is migrated, the remaining individual affiliates may migrate anytime; they do not need to migrate simultaneously.
    • All affiliates should migrate before the Linked Membership anniversary date to ensure that their contributions to the combined volume discount are reflected.

Adobe specific requirements

  • VIP check: Direct partners must run a preview API check to confirm customer account eligibility.

  • VIP ID: Ensure the reseller has the customer’s VIP ID.

  • DAR setup: The reseller must be set up as a distributor-authorized reseller (DAR).

  • Eligibility confirmation: Use Adobe’s Consent vs. Notice list to determine if customer consent is required.

  • Open PAs: Open Purchase Authorizations (PAs) are canceled upon migration.

  • Renewal and 3YC: Complete the full renewal off-platform if within 30 days of the customer’s renewal window.

To transfer subscriptions from Adobe VIP program to Adobe VIP Marketplace, follow the steps below:

📝 Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.

  1. Go to Manage > Marketplace > Settings > INTEGRATION | Vendor Integrations.

  2. Select Adobe ISV Settings.

  3. Notify users:

    Inform end users about the migration using your email mechanism or AppDirect's UI. Upload a .csv file with user details for notification.

    You can notify users only once every 24 hours. Contact your AppDirect technical representative to temporarily disable this limit if needed on priority.

  4. Eligibility check:

    Validate customer eligibility for migration.

    1. Click Choose File and select the file you want to upload.

    2. Click Check Eligibility.

      A comma separated file (.csv) file is generated which displays the user's eligibility. For ineligible members, you can resolve the errors and repeat the eligibility check process.

  5. Generate Migration Files:

    Before you proceed, ensure that the input file does not contain any ineligible memberships.

    1. In the Generate migration files page, the New request will be selected as the default option. Click Choose File and select the file you want to upload.

    2. Select the billing cycle as Yearly or Monthly based on the records added in the input file.

    3. Click Initiate request to transfer memberships from VIP (Value Incentive Plan) to VIP marketplace and generate migration files.

      A confirmation message appears with the request ID. Keep a note of this request ID for future reference.

      📝 Note: The initiate request process will take some time, depending on the volume of data. The platform enables the Download files button after the process is complete.

    4. Click Download files.

      The platform downloads the compressed (.zip) file containing all the migration files.

      📝 Note: Unzip the downloaded compressed file and verify the contents of the files before proceeding with the actual migration. You can get the details about the transferred memberships from the files below:
      Tranfer_Details - Lists all memberships and their associated offer IDs
      Tranfer_Failure - Lists all the failed membership transfers
      Tranfer_Success - Lists all the successful membership transfers

      - Memberships listed in Transfer_Failure were not migrated. Resolve any listed errors and retry.
      - Ensure the END_DATE column in ENTITLEMENTS.csv is populated. If empty, set it to start date + 1 year.

  6. Click Initiate Migration.
    The platform redirects you to the Data Migration page, where you can upload the generated files and perform the migration. For more information, refer to Migrate data. Perform the migration in the following sequence:

    • Upload and migrate USERS, COMPANIES, and MEMBERSHIP files together.

    • Upload and migrate the DEVELOPER_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNTS file.

    • Upload and migrate the ENTITLEMENTS file (include RSSR_ASSOCIATIONS, if required).

    • Upload and migrate the USER_ENTITLEMENTS file.

  7. (Optional) If for any reason, your session times out and you are unable to download the migration file, click Open request and input the request ID generated in step 4 to download the file. This option works only for the request IDs generated in the last 24 hours.

Refer to Understand the migration files for more details about the migration files.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Have more questions about the transferring subscriptions? This section provides answers to some of the commonly asked questions related to transferring subscriptions.

What should we do if Adobe is already configured on the marketplace before using this utility?

If Adobe is pre-configured, handle the Adobe setup manually for the pre-migration utility through APIs.

How many records can I add to the input file per request?

We recommend adding up to 50 records per request for optimal performance.

Why I do not see emails triggered in the Notification Logs after the Notify Users step?

Email notifications are processed through messaging queues, so it may take a short time for them to appear. Check back after a few minutes.

Why the user did not receive an email after the Notify Users step?

Verify that a valid locale was entered for the membership in the input file. If valid, access the consent UI using **<marketplace\_base\_url>/consent/<token-from-consents-table>**, replacing the token with one from the consent.consents table.

What files are included in the downloaded zip file?

The zip file contains 11 files: Transfer_Details, Transfer_Failure, Transfer_Success, Generate_Failure, USERS, COMPANIES, MEMBERSHIP, DEVELOPER_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNTS, RSSR_ASSOCIATIONS, ENTITLEMENTS, and USER_ENTITLEMENTS.

How can I confirm if a transfer at Adobe was successful?

Check the status in the Transfer_Success and Transfer_Failure files within the downloaded zip file.

Where can I find the request ID to download migration files?

The request ID is generated and displayed on the UI when you initiate a transfer request. Make sure to save it for future use.

What input file formats are supported?

Only .csv files are supported, with a maximum file size of 1 MB.

Can we transfer memberships with both yearly and monthly billing cycles in one request?

No, each request can only process one billing cycle. Ensure your file contains memberships with the same billing cycle.

Can we transfer memberships without active subscriptions?

Yes, memberships without active subscriptions can be transferred using the DEVELOPER_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNTS file generated by the pre-migration tool.

Why doesn’t data for all membership IDs appear in the migration files?

Check the Transfer_Details, Transfer_Failure, and Transfer_Success files for any errors that may have occurred during the transfer process.

Can we perform a transfer without the customer’s consent?

No, customer consent is required for both the transfer and auto-renewals.

Why am I seeing “An unknown error occurred. Contact Support.” in the Open Request section?

This error occurs if migration file generation fails for a request ID, resulting in the absence of a zip file. Retry the Generate Migration Files step. If the issue persists, please contact support.

How can I update the ADOBE_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_ID custom attribute for an existing company?

To update the ADOBE_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_ID, prepare a companies.csv file with external identifiers for the companies, and follow the steps for batch-updating custom attributes.

How do I retrieve missing values in the generated files?

Missing values may be due to incomplete data from Adobe. Try regenerating the migration files with the same request ID after some time.

Can Adobe Stock Credit Packs, 3YC, or Promo SKU orders be migrated?

Currently, migration support for these items is not available.

What is a “Dummy” entry in the transferID field of the entitlement file?

A “Dummy” entry appears in the entitlement file for customers with a 3YC option. It is necessary to assign the 3YC Committer product to the user.

What do the ignoreOrderReturn and expireOpenPas flags mean in the input file?

  • ignoreOrderReturn: When set to true, it ensures that customers with returnable purchases can still be transferred, making these purchases non-returnable after transfer (requires customer consent).

  • expireOpenPas: When set to true, it ensures customers with open purchase authorizations can be transferred, with any open PAs expiring during the transfer. New orders can be placed or licenses added in VIP Marketplace post-migration.

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