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Cancel specific orders for Adobe subscription upgrades

This section outlines the steps to cancel specific Adobe orders and reverse subscription upgrades made through the Marketplace.

When a subscription is created or upgraded, AppDirect submits a new order to Adobe. However, only one active purchase order is maintained per subscription in AppDirect.

New orders made with Adobe include a 14-day grace period during which cancellations can be processed without incurring any charges. Typically, cancellations in the Marketplace apply to the entire subscription, either immediately or at a scheduled time. Immediate cancellations impact all orders associated with the customer and the subscription.

If an upgrade is mistakenly applied, the current system only allows for full subscription cancellations, not the reversion of the most recent upgrade alone.


  • Role requirement: Marketplace Manager

    Ensure that you have the required role to manage subscription adjustments.

  • Contact your AppDirect technical representative to enable the required functionalities.

  • Ensure that the following settings are enabled:

    • Bypass Contract Restrictions

    • Product Profile Settings

      (Edit ProductEditionEnable marketplace managers to set roles for bypassing contract restrictions)

Steps to reverse subscription upgrades

As a Marketplace Manager, you can adjust the subscription and reduce the quantity to reverse the recent upgrade.

  • Adjust seat quantity: Modify the number of seats to match the quantity of the recent upgrade.

  • Return policy: Only upgrades made within the last 14 days are eligible for cancellation without incurring charges.

  • Ensure that the seat reduction corresponds to the quantity of the most recent upgrade.

  • Multiple upgrades: If there were multiple upgrades applied to the subscription, only the most recent upgrade will be reversed. To revert all upgrades, you must downgrade each upgrade individually.

After the seat quantity has been adjusted to revert the upgrade, the process is complete. Contact your AppDirect technical representative to disable the required functionalities.

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