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Subscriptions report

This report provides detailed information about customer subscriptions on your marketplace.

Although the term subscription does not appear in the user interface, a subscription represents a company entitlement to use a product. If you examine details on an order from the orders listing page, you can view subscription details. See View order details for more information.


This report is available to Marketplace Managers, Network Managers, and Developers. This feature must be enabled by AppDirect for your marketplace and for your role. Contact your AppDirect technical representative for information. Additionally, some of the fields described in the table may not be included for your role. To see all of the available fields, click the Choose Fields tab in the Customize reports section on the Create Reports page. See Create reports for more information. For more information about subscriptions, see the Orders topics in the AppDirect documentation center.

Recommended fields appear by default in the report. However, when you create a report, you can remove default fields or add different fields. If Marketplace Managers create custom attributes (see Create custom attributes), you can also include those fields when you create the report. Only custom attributes that were created in your marketplace (not child marketplaces) are displayed.

In the following table, the last column indicates whether or not the column is included by default.

HeadingDescriptionIncluded by default?
Owner NameName of the customer who purchased the product.Y
Owner User IDUnique identifier for the customer who purchased the product to which the order applies.Y
Owner UUIDUnique identifier on the marketplace of the customer who purchased the product to which the order applies (used when making API calls).Y
Owner EmailEmail of the customer who purchased the product to which the order applies.Y
Owner Company NameName of the company that purchased the product.Y
Owner Company IDIdentifier on the marketplace of the company that purchased the product.Y
Owner Company PhonePhone number of the company that purchased the product.Y
Subscription IDUnique identifier of the subscription on the marketplaceN
Subscription UUIDIdentifier on the marketplace that defines the company’s subscription to the product(remains unique even if the subscription ownership changes within a company).Y
Product NameName of the application or productY
Product IDUnique identifier of the application on the marketplaceY
Vendor NameName of the application developer.Y
Vendor IDUnique identifier on the marketplace for the application developer.Y
Application NameName of the application or product.Y
Application IDUnique identifier of the application on the marketplace.Y
Is Application BuyableIndicates whether or not an application can be purchased. Possible values: Y, NN
Application Last Modification DateLast date on which an application was modified.N
Edition NameName of the edition associated with the application or product.Y
Subscription Created Within Report Date RangeThe report only includes subscriptions that were created within the specified report date range. Possible values: Y/NN
Subscription Last Modified DateLast date on which the subscription was modifiedN
Edition IDIdentifier on the marketplace of the product edition .Y
Product typeThe product type for the purchased application or product. Sample values include: web app stacked, domain reseller, cloud services, physical productN
Product ClassificationThe product type's classification. Possible values: base product, add on.N
Unit Type ListComma-separated list of unit types associated with the subscription.N
Add-On Parent Product IDName of the parent product associated with the current subscription. This field is only populated if the subscription is for a product add-on.N
QuantityThe number of units or volume purchasedY
Quantity Per UnitDescribes the number of items per pricing unit included in the subscription (for example, 100 users, 10 servers).N
Add-On Parent Product NameName of the parent product associated with the current subscription. This field is only populated if the current subscription is for a product add-on.N
Revenue Model TypeRevenue model describing how the application purchased is charged. Possible values: free, one time, recurring, tiered.N
Product Line NameList of product lines associated with the application purchased.N
Product Attribute - Attribute OnlyList of attributes associated with the application purchased.N
Product Attribute - Option OnlyList of attribute options associated with the application purchased.N
Product AttributeList of attributes along with its options associated with application purchased. For example: {"Attributes":"Feature Apps", "Attributes":"Free" }.N
Customer Group NameList of industry or customer groups associated with the application purchased.N
Customer Group NameList of industry or customer groups associated with the application purchased.N
Add-On Parent Subscription UUIDSubscription UUID of the parent subscription associated with the current subscription. This field is only populated if the current subscription is for a product add-on.N
Microsoft Domain NameMicrosoft domain name associated with the purchasing company. Listed only when the purchased application is integrated with Microsoft.N
Microsoft Tenant IDMicrosoft tenant ID associated with the purchasing company. Listed only when the purchased application is integrated with Microsoft.N
Subscription StatusStatus of the subscription. Possible values can include: initialized, failed, free trial, free trial expired, active, suspended, canceled.N
Active Order IDIdentifier for an order for which the last payment was successful.Y
Billing FrequencyFrequency of an order for which the last payment was successfulY
Total FeeFee for an order for which the last payment was successfulY
Active Order Start DateStart date of the company’s active order for the productYY
Active Order FrequencyFrequency of an order for which the last payment was successful.Y
Active Order Total FeeFee for an order for which the last payment was successful.Y
Current Order Start DateStart date of the company’s active order for the productN
Subscription Start DateStart date of the subscription (does not include setup fees)N
Suspension DateDate on which the order or subscription was suspendedN
First Order IDID of the first order of a subscription (does not include setup fees)N
Discount CodeDiscount code applied to the subscription.N
Discount Creation DateDate on which the discount was created.N
Discount IDUnique identifier of the discount.N
Discount PercentagePercent discount applied to the subscription.N
Pricing Item ID ListComma-separated list of the pricing plan item IDs associated with the subscription.N
Discount PriceDiscount price applied to the subscription.N
Payment Plan IDUnique identifier of the payment plan.N
Payment Plan Last Modification DateLast date on which the payment plan was modified.N
CurrencyCurrency in which the product is purchased.Y
Subscription Creation DateDate on which the order is generated.Y
Active Order StatusOrder status. Possible values: active, canceled, deleted, failed, finished, free trial canceled, free trial expired, initialized, one time, pending remote creation, pending user approval, suspended and upcoming. For a description of each status, see Order and subscription statuses.Y
Creation DateDate on which the order is generated.Y
Order StatusOrder status. Possible values: active, canceled, deleted, failed, finished, free trial canceled, eree trial expired, initialized, one time, pending remote creation, pending user approval, suspended and upcoming. For a description of each status, see Order and subscription statuses.Y
Assigned UsersUsers that currently have access to the product.Y
Subscription End DateDate on which the order is canceled.Y
Sales Agent IDExternal identifier on the marketplace for the sales agent associated with the order.Y
Sales Agent NameName of the sales agent associated with the order.Y
Sales Agent EmailEmail address of the sales agent associated with the order.Y
Sales Agent Company NameName of the company that employs the sales agent associated with the order.Y
Sales Agent Company External IDExternal identifier for the company of the sales agent associated with this subscription.N
Sales Agent Company IDIdentifier for the company of the sales agent associated with this subscription.N
Sales Agent Company UUIDUnique universal identifier for the company of the sales agent associated with this subscription.N
Sales Agent User External IDSales agent user's external ID on the marketplace.N
Sales Agent Company PhoneSales agent's company's phone number.N
Sales Agent Company Phone ExtensionSales agent's company's phone number extension.N
Sales Agent Company FaxSales agent's company's fax number.N
Sales Agent Company Fax ExtensionSales agent company's fax number extension.N
Sales Agent Company Street 1Address information for the sales agent's company.N
Sales Agent Company Street 2Additional address information for the sales agent's company.N
Sales Agent Company StateSales agent company's state.N
Sales Agent Company CountrySales agent company's country.N
Sales Agent Company ZipSales agent company's ZIP code.N
Vendor Company External IDApplication developer's external identifier on the marketplace.N
Vendor Company UUIDApplication developer's unique universal identifier.N
Vendor Company PhoneApplication developer's phone number.N
Vendor Company Phone ExtensionApplication developer's phone number extension.N
Vendor Company FaxApplication developer's fax number.N
Vendor Company Fax ExtensionApplication developer's fax number extension.N
Vendor Company Street 1Application developer's address information.N
Vendor Company Street 2Application developer's additional address information.N
Vendor Company StateApplication developer's state.N
Vendor Company CountryApplication developer's country.N
Vendor Company ZipApplication developer's ZIP code.N
Owner Company External IDPurchasing owner's external identifier.N
Owner Company UUIDPurchasing owner's unique universal identifier.N
Owner User External IDPurchasing company's eternal identifier on the marketplace.N
Owner Company StatePurchasing company's state.N
Owner Company Street 1Purchasing company's address.N
Owner Company Street 2Purchasing company's additional address information .N
Owner Company ZipPurchaser's company ZIP code.N
Owner Company CountryPurchasing company's country.N
Owner Company Phone ExtensionPurchasing company's phone number.N
Owner Company FaxPurchasing company's fax number.N
Owner Company Fax ExtensionPurchasing company's fax number extension.N
End DateDate on which the order is canceled.N
End of Contract DateCalculated end of contract date based on creation date and application’s minimum contract duration.N
Edition CodeEdition identifier specified by the application Developer.N
Edition UUIDUnique universal identifier of the purchased application or product.N
Application UUIDUnique universal identifier of the product on the marketplace.N
Application Custom IntegrationIndicates if the application purchased has custom integration. Possible values: Google Apps, MOSI (Microsoft Online Services), MozyN
Sales Agent UUIDSales agent’s unique universal identifier on the marketplace.N
Product CategoryList of product categories associated with application purchased.N
Product Sub CategoryList of product sub categories associated with application purchased.N
Product Category & Sub CategoryList of product categories and subcategories, separated by ampersand, that are associated with the application purchased. For example: New Category App=&Services=Audit & Consulting&Services=Engineering & Integration&Services=Design&Web Development=N
External Vendor IdentifierUnique identifier used by the application vendor associated with a subscriptionN
Subscription UUIDUnique universal identifier on the marketplace of the company’s product subscription (remains unchanged even if the subscription ownership is transferred to another user within the company)N
Microsoft Order IDUnique identifier for a specific Microsoft orderN
Microsoft Subscription IDUnique identifier for a specific Microsoft subscriptionN
External Partner IdentifierSubscription ID assigned by the marketplace selling the productN
External Reference CodePurchase order reference codeN
Minimum Contract DurationMinimum contract duration (integer value, or null if no contract exists)N
Price Per UnitPrice paid for each unit purchasedN
Edition Last Modification DateLast date on which the edition was modifiedN
Payment Plan UUIDUniversal unique identifier (UUID) of the payment plan in the marketplaceN
Minimum Contract DurationMinimum contract duration (integer value, or 0 if no contract exists)N
Payment Plan UUIDUniversal unique identifier (UUID) of the payment plan in the marketplace.N

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