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Payment overview report

This report provides an overview of payments on your marketplace. The column headings it includes are based on the fields you apply when you create the report.


This report is available to Marketplace Managers.

Recommended fields appear by default in the report. However, when you create a report, you can remove default fields or add different fields. If Marketplace Managers create custom attributes (see Create custom attributes), you can also include those fields when you create the report. Only custom attributes that were created in your marketplace (not child marketplaces) are displayed.

In the following table, the last column indicates whether or not the column is included by default.

HeadingDescriptionIncluded by default?
IDPayment IDY
Transaction IDIdentifier recorded for the transactionY
DateDate the payment was recordedY
Invoice NumberInvoice number associated with the paymentY
Response MessageDisplays information about transactions that are included in the report. The value varies depending on the marketplace and payment method. It can include any information that was added as a note about the payment. Sample values can include: the transaction has been approved, declined, refused by the issuer.N
CompanyCompany of the user who completed the paymentY
Company IDUnique identifier of the companyY
Company External IDPurchasing company's external identifier on the marketplaceN
Company UUIDUnique identifier for the company on the marketplaceN
Company Street 1Street address of the company that puchased the productN
Company Street 2Additional address information for the company that purchased the productN
Company StatePurchasing company's stateN
Company CountryPurchasing company's countryN
Company ZipPurchasing company’s ZIP codeN
Company PhonePurchasing company's phone numberN
Company Phone ExtensionPurchasing company's phone number extensionN
Company FaxPurchasing company's fax numberN
Company Fax ExtensionPurchasing company's fax number extensionN
First NameFirst name of the user who made the paymentY
Last NameLast name of the user who made the paymentY
User IDUnique identifier on the marketplace of the customer who purchased the productY
User UUIDUnique identifier on the marketplace of the customer who purchased the product to which the payment appliesN
User External IDExternal ID on the marketplace of the customer who purchased the productN
EmailUser's email addressY
Marketplace NameThe name of the marketplaceY
Vendor NamesDeveloper namesY
Payment MethodMethod used to make the paymentY
TotalTotal payment valueY
CurrencyCurrency in which the payment is processedY
ResultEnd result of the payment( successful, failed, manual)Y
Auth CodeAuthorization codeY
Reseller EmailEmail address of the reseller that assisted in the saleY
Reseller IDReseller's identifier in the marketplaceN
Reseller NameName of the resellerN
Reseller UUIDReseller's unique universal identifier on the marketplaceN
Reseller External IDExternal ID of the reseller that sold the productN

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