User details report
This report gives you detailed information about users on your marketplace.
This report is available to Marketplace Managers.
If users are members of several companies, they appear in the report multiple times. For example, if users belong to two companies, they appear in two rows, one for each company, and if they have multiple roles within a company, those roles are listed in the corresponding company row. (in contrast, the User Customizable report gives you a single view of each user on their marketplace, and each user appears only once. See Users report.)
Recommended fields appear by default in the report. However, when you create a report, you can remove default fields or add different fields. If Marketplace Managers create custom attributes (see Create custom attributes), you can also include those fields when you create the report. Only custom attributes that were created in your marketplace (not child marketplaces) are displayed.
In the following table, the last column indicates whether or not the column is included by default.
Heading | Description | Included by default? |
User ID | Unique identifier of the customer on the marketplace | Y |
User External ID | User’s external identifier on the marketplace | Y |
User UUID | User’s unique universal identifier on the marketplace | Y |
User First Name | User’s first name | Y |
User Last Name | User’s last name | Y |
User Email | User’s email | Y |
Creation Date | Date the customer is created | Y |
Activation Date | Date the customer is activated | Y |
Last Successful Login | Date of last successful login | Y |
Is User Active | Indicates if user is active in the marketplace (Y/N) | Y |
Is User Enabled | Indicates if user is enabled in the marketplace (Y/N) | Y |
Is User Tester | Indicates if user is marked as a tester in the marketplace (Y/N) | Y |
Is Billing Admin | Indicates if user is a billing admin in marketplace (Y/N) | Y |
Is Company Admin | Indicates if user is company admin in the marketplace (Y/N) | Y |
Is Developer | Indicates if user is a Developer the in the marketplace (Y/N) | Y |
Is Sales Support | Indicates if user has a sales support role in the marketplace (Y/N) | Y |
Is Customer Support | Indicates if user has a customer support role in the marketplace (Y/N) | Y |
Is Channel Admin | Indicates if user has a channel admin role in the marketplace (Y/N) | Y |
Company | Customer’s company name | Y |
Company ID | Unique identifier for the company | Y |
Company External ID | Company’s external ID on the marketplace | Y |
Company UUID | Unique universal identifier (UUID) of the company | Y |
Billing Phone Number | Phone number linked to billing information | N |
Billing Address Street 1 | First line of billing address | N |
Billing Address Street 2 | Second line of billing address | N |
Billing Address City | Billing address city | N |
Billing Address State | Billing address state | N |
Billing Address Postal Code | Billing address postal code/zip code | N |
Billing Address Country | Billing address country | N |
Is Reseller Manager | Indicates if user is a Reseller Manager in the marketplace (Y/N) | N |
Is Customer Product Support | Indicates if user has a customer product support role in the marketplace (Y/N) | N |
Is Reseller | Indicates if user has a restricted sales support role in the marketplace (Y/N) | N |
Active | Activity status of the customer on the marketplace. Possible values are Active or null. | N |
User Roles | List of user’s company roles separated by ‘+’. For example: User+BillingAdmin+CompanyAdmin | N |
Channel Roles | List of user’s marketplace roles separated by ‘+’. For example: ChannelAdmin+CustomerSupport+SalesSupport | N |
Days Before Activation | Number of days between user creation date and activation date. | N |
Number Active Assignments | Number of active product assignments for the user. | N |
Sales Agent ID | Unique identifier of sales agent linked to the customer or user on the marketplace | N |
Sales Agent External ID | Sales agent’s external identifier on the marketplace. | N |
Sales Agent Email | Sales agent’s email | N |
Sales Agent UUID | Sales agent’s unique universal identifier on the marketplace | N |
Sales Agent First Name | Sales agent’s first name | N |
Sales Agent Last Name | Sales agent’s last name | N |
Sales Agent Full Name | Sales agent’s full name | N |
User Full Name | User’s full name | N |
Company Street 1 | First line of the company street address | N |
Company Street 2 | Second line of the company street address | N |
Company Postal Code | Customer company postal code | N |
Company State | Company state | N |
Company Country | Company country | N |
Company Phone | Company phone number | N |
Company Phone Extension | Company phone extension | N |
Company Fax | Company fax number | N |
Payment Method | Default payment method associated with the user | N |
Custom Parameters | Custom parameters associated with the user | N |
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