Order Details report
This report provides detailed information about orders that were created on your marketplace. It contains more columns than the Orders report—for example, line item type, quantity, unit price, item price, and total price.
An order represents an item or items in a purchase.
This report is available to Marketplace Managers.
The column headings included in this report are based on the fields that you apply when you create the report. Following is a list of all columns that appear in your report, if you select every field. If custom order fields are configured for your marketplace, your report includes additional columns. See Create custom attributes to learn more.
Recommended fields appear by default in the report. However, when you create a report, you can remove default fields or add different fields. If Marketplace Managers create custom attributes (see Create custom attributes), you can also include those fields when you create the report. Only custom attributes that were created in your marketplace (not child marketplaces) are displayed.
In the following table, the last column indicates whether or not the column is included by default.
Heading | Description | Included by default? |
Order ID | Unique identifier for the order of the product on the marketplace | Y |
Order Creation Date | Date on which the purchase order was generated | Y |
Service Start Date | Date on which the service starts | Y |
Order Status | Status of the order. Possible values are: active, canceled, failed, finished, free trial, free trial canceled, free trial expired, initialized, one time, pending asynchronous creation, pending manual recovery, pending remote creation, pending user approval, suspended and upcoming. | Y |
Order Total | Total value of the order | Y |
Company ID | ID of the company that purchased the product | Y |
Company | Name of the company that purchased the product | Y |
User Name | Name of the customer who purchased the product | Y |
User ID | Unique identifier of the customer who purchased the product | Y |
Customer’s email address | Y | |
Order Item ID | Unique identifier of the order item | Y |
Description | Description of the purchase order | Y |
Unit Type | Type of unit. Possible values can include: user, gigabyte, unit, one-time set up. | Y |
Unit Price | Price of the unit | Y |
Item Quantity | Quantity of the item purchased | Y |
Item Total | Total amount on the invoice for the item type | Y |
Item Line Type | Item type displayed on the invoice. Possible values include: item, discount, tax, penalty. | Y |
Billing Frequency | Subscription period. Possible values are: monthly, one time, yearly, six months, three years, two years, quarterly, daily | Y |
Vendor ID | Unique identifier of the application developer on the marketplace | Y |
Vendor | Name of the application developer | Y |
Product ID | Unique identifier of the application or product on the marketplace | Y |
Product Name | Name of the product that was purchased | Y |
Edition ID | Identifier of the product edition on the marketplace | Y |
Edition Name | Edition name of the product that was purchased | Y |
Sales Agent ID | Unique identifier of the sales agent | Y |
Sales Agent Name | Name of the sales agent | Y |
Sales Agent Email | Email address of the sales agent | Y |
Sales Agent Company Name | Name of the company whose agent sold the product | Y |
Sales Agent Company ID | Unique identifier of the company whose agent sold the product | Y |
External Reference Code | Purchase order reference code | N |
Order Start Date | Date on which the purchase order started | N |
Next Invoice Date | Date of the next invoice | N |
Product Settings - End User Details | Configuration of the purchase order in JSON format | N |
Invoice Type | Type of invoice. Values include prepaid and postpaid. | N |
User UUID | Unique universal identifier of the user who created the order | N |
User Username | Marketplace username of the user who created the order | N |
User External ID | External identifier of the user who created the order | N |
Company Country | Country code of the company that purchased the product | N |
Company External ID | External ID of the company on the marketplace | N |
Company Fax | Fax number of the company that purchased the product | N |
Company Fax Extension | Fax extension of the company that purchased the product | N |
Company Phone | Phone number of the company that purchased the product | N |
Company Phone Extension | Phone extension of the company that purchased the product | N |
Company State | State of the company that purchased the product | N |
Company Street 1 | Street address of the company that purchased the product—part 1 | N |
Company Street 2 | Street address of the company that purchased the product—part 2 | N |
Company UUID | Unique universal ID of the company that purchased the product | N |
Company Zip | ZIP code of the company that purchased the product | N |
Sales Agent User External ID | User external identifier of the sales agent | N |
Sales Agent Company Country | Country code of the company whose agent sold the product | N |
Sales Agent Company External ID | External identifier of the company whose agent sold the product | N |
Sales Agent Company Fax | Fax of the company whose agent sold the product | N |
Sales Agent Company Fax Extension | Fax extension of the company whose agent sold the product | N |
Sales Agent Company Phone | Phone of the company whose agent sold the product | N |
Sales Agent Company Phone Extension | Phone extension of the company whose agent sold the product | N |
Sales Agent Company State | State of the company whose agent sold the product | N |
Sales Agent Company Street 1 | Street address of the company whose agent sold the product—part 1 | N |
Sales Agent Company Street 2 | Street address of the company whose agent sold the product—part 2 | N |
Sales Agent Company UUID | Unique universal identifier the company whose agent sold the product | N |
Sales Agent Company Zip | ZIP code of the company whose agent sold the product | N |
Vendor Company Country | Country code of the product developer | N |
Vendor Company External ID | External identifier of the product developer | N |
Vendor Company Fax | Fax number of the product developer | N |
Vendor Company Fax Extension | Fax extension of the product developer | N |
Vendor Company Phone | Phone number of the product developer | N |
Vendor Company Phone Extension | Phone extension of the product developer | N |
Vendor Company State | State of the product developer | N |
Vendor Company Street 1 | Street address of the product developer—part 1 | N |
Vendor Company Street 2 | Street address of the product developer—part 2 | N |
Vendor Company UUID | Universally unique identifier of the product developer | N |
Vendor Company Zip | Zip code of the product developer | N |
Product UUID | Unique universal identifier of the purchased product | N |
Product Type | Type of product purchased. Possible values can include: web app, bundle, physical product, hardware service, and so on. | N |
Edition UUID | Unique universal identifier of the purchased product edition | N |
Edition Code | The code used to associate this edition in AppDirect with the edition in your marketplace | N |
Microsoft Domain Name | Name of the Microsoft domain | N |
Microsoft Tenant ID | Identifier of the Microsoft tenant | N |
External Vendor Identifier | External identifier of the vendor | N |
External Partner Identifier | External identifier of the partner | N |
Subscription UUID | Unique universal identifier of the subscription | N |
Microsoft Order ID | Microsoft identifier for the order | N |
Microsoft Subscription ID | Microsoft identifier for the subscription | N |
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