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IaaS Invoice Reconciliation report

The customizable IaaS Invoice Reconciliation report enables Marketplace Managers to compare the IaaS (infrastructure as a service) metered usage data that appears on invoices to the usage data in the reports that they receive from Azure/AWS.

The report displays all usage accrued for the time period that you select when you create the report. It displays detailed information at the daily level, whereas the invoice displays aggregated data.

You can create an IaaS Invoice Reconciliation report at Manage > Marketplace > Reports > Reports | Create Report. See Create customized reports for the procedure to create reports.

This report is available for Marketplace Managers, Company Administrators, Billing Administrators and Resellers. AppDirect must enable reports for your marketplace and for your role. Contact your AppDirect technical representative for information.

Recommended fields appear by default in the report. However, when you create a report, you can remove default fields or add different fields. If Marketplace Managers create custom attributes (see Create custom attributes), you can also include those fields when you create the report. Only custom attributes that were created in your marketplace (not child marketplaces) are displayed.

In the following table, the last column indicates whether or not the column is included by default.

Column headingDescriptionIncluded by default?
Customer NameThe customer’s first and last nameY
Company NameThe customer’s company nameY
ProviderThe infrastructure as a service provider (for example, AWS, AZURE)Y
Provider Subscription IDThe IaaS provider subscription IDY
Subscription IDThe customer’s Appdirect subscription IDY
Billing Start DateThe start date of the invoice period in which the usage event occurredY
Billing End DateThe end date of the invoice period in which the usage event occurredY
Product NameThe IaaS provider’s name for the productY
Product CodeThe IaaS provider code for the productY
Order IDUnique identifier of the purchase order that is linked to the invoiceY
Invoice NumberThe invoice's unique identifier on the marketplaceY
DescriptionThe description of the item on the invoice (invoice line description)Y
Usage DateThe date on which the usage event occurredY
Usage QuantityThe quantity of the product used during the usage eventY
Usage - Customer Unit PriceThe unit price charged to the customer for the usage eventY
Usage - Customer Total PriceThe total price charged to the customer for the usage eventY
Usage - Channel Unit CostThe metered product’s price per unit for the marketplaceY
Usage - Channel Total CostThe marketplace’s total price for the usage event for a defined period (for example, daily)Y
Usage - Channel Unit MarginThe difference between the channel (marketplace) unit cost and the customer unit priceY
Usage - Channel Total MarginThe difference between the channel total cost marketplace total price and the customer total priceY
Reseller NameThe Reseller agent’s first and last nameY
Reseller Company NameThe Reseller agent’s company nameY
Reservation IDIdentifier related to a given line item’s reservation (Amazon Resource Name)Y
Cost TypeThe event cost type associated with a reconciliation. Possible values: credit, discounted usage, fee, refund, RI fee, tax, usage, savings plan upfront fee, savings plan recurring fee, savings plan covered usage, Savings plan negation.Y
AD Product IDThe AppDirect unique identifier of the product associated with the usage event.N
Invoice Line NumberThe unique identifier of the usage event’s line on the invoice.N

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