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Leads report

The customizable leads report lists all of the leads that are generated on a marketplace during a defined period.


This report is available to Marketplace Managers.

Recommended fields appear by default in the report. However, when you create a report, you can remove default fields or add different fields. If Marketplace Managers create custom attributes (see Create custom attributes), you can also include those fields when you create the report. Only custom attributes that were created in your marketplace (not child marketplaces) are displayed.

In the following table, the last column indicates whether or not the column is included by default.

HeadingDescriptionIncluded by default?
Assign Collected Leads to DevelopersIndicates that leads for the corresponding product are automatically assigned to the developer. Possible values: Yes, No.N
Lead UUIDUnique universal ID of the lead.Y
Lead Created OnDate on which the lead is created.Y
Lead Last ModifiedDate on which the lead is modified.Y
Lead SourceThe source of the lead. Possible values include manual, products, company.Y
Lead StatusThe lead status. Possible values include new, converted, submitted.Y
Customer First NameFirst name of the prospective customer.Y
Customer Last NameLast name of the prospective customer.Y
Converted Customer IDID of the new user created after the lead status changes to converted.Y
Customer Company NameName of the prospective customer company.Y
Converted Company IDID of the new company created after the lead status changes to converted.Y
Customer EmailEmail of the prospective customer.Y
Customer PhonePhone of the prospective customer.Y
Customer FaxFax of the prospective customer.Y
Customer Company Street 1Street address of the prospective customer company.Y
Customer Company Street 2Additional street address information of the prospective customer company.Y
Customer Company CityCity of the prospective customer company.Y
Customer Company StateState of the prospective customer company.Y
Customer Company ZipZip Code of the prospective customer company.Y
Customer Company Country CodeCountry code of the prospective customer company.Y
Customer Company SizeThe company size of the prospective customer company.Y
Lead NotesComments added by the user who is assigned the lead.Y
Lead Referrer TypeThe role of the user who refers the lead. Possible values include company, channel, sales support, customer.Y
Lead Recipient TypeThe type of user who receives the lead. Possible values include company, channel, sales support, customer.Y
Lead Created By RoleThe role of the user who creates the lead.Y
Lead Recipient PartnerThe marketplace of the user who receives the lead.Y
Product IDUnique identifier of the application or product on the marketplace.Y
Product NameName of the application or product.Y
Edition IDIdentifier of the edition of the product on the marketplace.Y
Edition NameName of the edition associated with the application or product.Y
Edition CodeEdition identifier specified by the application Developer.Y
Reseller Agent IDID of the Reseller Agent associated with the lead.Y
Reseller Agent NameName of the Reseller Agent associated with the lead.Y
Reseller Company IDID of the Reseller Agent company associated with the lead.Y
Reseller Company NameName of the Reseller company associated with the lead.Y
Lead Creator IDMarketplace ID of the user who creates the lead.Y
Lead Creator NameName of the user who creates the lead.Y
Lead Creator Company IDCompany ID of the user who creates the lead.Y
Lead Creator Company NameCompany name of the user who creates the lead.Y
Referrer Company IDCompany ID of the user who refers the leadY
Referrer Company NameCompany name of the user who refers the leadY
Vendor IDUnique identifier for the application Developer.N
Vendor UUIDUnique universal identifier of the application Developer.N
Vendor NameName of the application Developer.N
Vendor External IdentifierApplication Developer's external identifier on the marketplace.N

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