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Transition using the UI

đź“ť Note: Transition using the UI is not enabled by default. Contact your AppDirect technical representative to request this feature. Also provide a list of marketplaces roles that will access the Transition using the UI feature.

On the AppDirect marketplace, partners with Microsoft products can transition Microsoft legacy subscriptions (with add-ons if included in the subscriptions) to NCE subscriptions using the user interface (UI). Blacklisted subscriptions do not appear in the UI and users cannot select them for transition.

To transition legacy Microsoft product subscriptions to NCE product subscriptions as a Company Administrator using the UI,

  1. Go to Manage > Account > Applications.
  2. Select a legacy Microsoft subscription.
  3. Click Manage > Manage Application and A recommended update is available from Microsoft message appears and a View Details button.
  4. Click View Details and a dialog appears with information about the update to an NCE subscription.
  5. Click Transition Subscription and the following message appears: Your subscription to Microsoft Product Name (Subscription ID) is being transitioned to Microsoft’s New Commerce Experience (NCE). After completion, this subscription will be replaced by an NCE subscription.

When a Microsoft legacy subscription is being transitioned to an NCE subscription it is not available for modification by the user. It cannot be accessed using the app tile.

To transition legacy Microsoft product subscriptions to NCE product subscriptions as a Marketplace Manager using the UI,

  1. Go to Manage > Marketplace > Users.
  2. Select a userName.
  3. In the Orders panel, select a line containing a legacy Microsoft subscription that you want to transition.
  4. If this product is available for transition, a A recommended update is available from Microsoft message appears and a View Details button.
  5. Click View Details and a dialog appears with information about the update to an NCE subscription.
  6. Click Transition Subscription and the following message appears: Your subscription to Microsoft Product Name (Subscription ID) is being transitioned to Microsoft’s New Commerce Experience (NCE). After completion, this subscription will be replaced by an NCE subscription.

When a Microsoft legacy subscription is being transitioned to an NCE subscription it is not available for modification by the user. It cannot be accessed using the app tile.


Transitioning using the UI has the following limitations:

  • The duration of the term cannot be changed after transition to NCE.
  • Billing cycle updates are not allowed after transition to NCE.
  • Seats cannot be increased or decreased after transition to NCE.

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