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Purchase a Microsoft product

You can purchase a Microsoft product on the AppDirect marketplace.

To purchase a Microsoft product

  1. Go to the Marketplace. Enter Microsoft in the search field, and select the product.
    1. NCE products are marked with an NCE prefix in the AppDirect Network catalog.
  2. Click Buy and select the Pricing Plan.
  3. Click Buy Now. The Create Order page opens.
  4. Enter the number of users that may be assigned to the subscription in the Total Users field.
  5. (Optional) Enter a Discount Code and click Apply.
  6. A Microsoft tenant must be associated with your company. One of the following will apply:
    • A Microsoft tenant is associated with your company. You will not be prompted to enter one.
    • There is no tenant associated with your company. This happens when you never purchased a Microsoft product on the marketplace. You must create a Microsoft tenant before proceeding to the Billing Details page.
    • You created a Microsoft tenant off platform. Contact your marketplace sales agent or Support to associate your tenant with your company.
  7. If an Organization registration number is mandatory for your location, you must enter a value and will not be able to proceed with the purchase if you leave the field empty.
  8. Click Next. The Billing Details page opens.
  9. Complete billing details and click Next. The order confirmation page opens.
  10. Select the check box to agree to the terms and conditions and privacy policy. AppDirect passes that consent information to Microsoft.
  11. Click Complete Purchase.The order receipt appears and AppDirect sends an email receipt to you.
  12. Click View my apps. The tile for the Microsoft product displays. You will see a message informing you that your order is being processed.

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