Parameter descriptions
Following is a list of parameters that are available for your use in notification emails. Please note the following about the list:
- It includes all available parameters for all notification templates.
- The default content for notifications uses only some of the available parameters. Additional parameters are listed in the Parameters pane for each notification, and you can select and drag individual parameters into the email notification body content. For more information, see Create email template content. To view the default content for each notification type, see Notification template content.
Parameter name | Description |
{RESELLER_MANAGER_LAST_NAME} | The reseller's last name |
{ACTIVATION_TOKEN} | The token required to activate a user account. This token is included in the activation URL. |
{ACTIVATION_URL} | The URL where a user is directed to activate their account |
{APPLICATION_NAME} | The name of the purchased application |
{BASE_URL} | The marketplace's home page URL. |
{COMMENT} | Comment added to the email content, for example, when a request is accepted or denied |
{COMPANY_EXTERNAL_ID} | The company's external ID on the marketplace |
{COMPANY_NAME} | The company name. The specific description for this parameter depends on the notification type. Examples include: The name of the company of the user who owns a product The company name of a user who initiates an action or request |
{EMAIL_TO_VERIFY} | Email address that requires verification by the end user |
{ENCODED_EMAIL} | The email address to be verified (HTML-encoded email address that is displayed in the notification) |
{INVITATION_TOKEN} | A link that is included in the invitation URL |
{INVITATION_URL} | The URL that an end user who receives an invitation to join a company clicks to activate their account |
{INVITER_NAME} | The name of the user who invites another user to join a company |
{LINKED_COMPANY_ADMIN_EMAIL} | The email address of the company administrator of a company that is linked to a reseller |
{LINKED_COMPANY_ADMIN} | The name of the company administrator of a company that is linked to a reseller |
{LINKED_COMPANY} | The name of the company that has been linked to a reseller |
{MARKETPLACE_LOGO_URL} | The marketplace logo (add this parameter to display the marketplace logo in the notification). |
{NEW_USER_EMAIL} | A new user's email address |
{NEW_USER_FULL_NAME} | The full name of a newly created user |
{partnerCompanyName} | The name of the company that the notification is sent from |
{partnerMarketplaceName} | The name of the marketplace that sends the notification |
{PASSWORD} | A user's password |
{PREVIOUS_EMAIL} | The user's previous email address |
{REMINDER_DAYS} | The number of days since or until an event occurs. For example, the number of days since a user last logged in or registered with no login, the number of days before a subscription expires, and so on |
URL used to approve a reseller's request to sign up as a reseller. | URL link to approve a reseller's request |
{RESELLER_EMAIL} | A reseller's email address |
{RESELLER_FIRST_NAME} | A reseller's first name |
{RESELLER_LAST_NAME} | A reseller's last name |
{RESELLER_MANAGER_FIRST_NAME} | A reseller manager's first name |
{RESELLER_MANAGER_FULL_NAME} | A reseller manager's last name |
{RESET_PASSWORD_URL} | The URL where user can reset their password |
{ROLE} | The user's role in the marketplace |
{SUPPORT_PHONE} | The telephone number to call for customer support |
{SUPPORT_URL} | The URL (website) for customer support |
{USER_EMAIL} | The user's email address |
{USER_FIRST_NAME} | The user's first name |
{USER_FULL_NAME} | The user's full name (first and last name) |
{USER_LAST_NAME} | The user's last name |
{RESELLER_MANAGER_EMAIL} | The reseller manager's email address |
{SALES_LEAD_COMPANY_NAME} | The company name of the reseller manager |
{MANAGE_SALES_LEAD_LINK} | The link where a reseller manager can review a sales lead |
{SALES_LEAD_SUBMITTER_COMMENT} | Comments that can be included when a sales lead is submitted to a reseller manager |
{SALES_LEAD_REVIEWER_COMMENT} | Comments from a reseller to a reseller manager regarding an accepted or denied lead they assigned |
{UPDATED_BY_COMPANY_NAME} | The company name of the reseller manager who approved or denied a sales opportunity. |
{OPPORTUNITY_COMMENT} | Comment that the creator of an opportunity includes in the notification for the user that reviews the opportunity |
{OPPORTUNITY_COMPANY_NAME} | The customer's company name. It is auto-populated to indicate the name of the customer for whom the opportunity is created |
{MANAGE_CUSTOMER_COMPANY_LINK} | The link where a reseller can manage an opportunity |
{REVIEW_RESELLER_PROFILE_URL} | The link that a reseller manager can use to review a reseller's profile, or a link that a reseller can use to view their profile |
{UPDATED_BY_COMPANY_NAME} | The name of the Reseller Manger company who approves or denies a request |
{REVIEW_RESELLER_PROFILE_COMMENT} | A comment that a Reseller leaves when they deny your request to publish your profile |
{QUOTE_URL} | The URL where a user can review, approve and reject quotes. |
{CUSTOMER_FULL_NAME} | A customer's full name (first and last name) |
{CUSTOMER_EMAIL} | A customer's email address |
{QUOTE_PRICE_NEGOTIATION_COMMENT} | Comment from a reseller manager to a reseller regarding a wholesale price quote |
{QUOTE_PRICE_NEGOTIATION_ITEMS} | The list of items that are included in the quote |
{APP_DOC_LOCATION} | A link to application documentation |
{MESSAGE} | A parameter that can be used to include a message to the user |
{SCHEDULED_END_DATE} | The date on which a subscription is scheduled to be canceled. |
{UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK} | The link where the customer can unsubscribe from a specific email notification type |
{QUESTIONS_URL} | Link to the question that a user asked about a product |
{REQUESTING_partnerCompanyName} | Name of the company in the marketplace that is requesting to add a product |
{REQUESTING_partnerMarketplaceName} | Name of the marketplace that is requesting to add a product |
{REQUESTING_BASE_URL} | URL of the marketplace that is requesting to add the product |
{MARKETPLACE_SETTINGS_URL} | The link where a Developer can approve a marketplace's request to add one of the developer's products to their marketplace |
{ORDER_CONFIGURATION} | List of elements on the order, for example: domain, zone |
{VERSION_NUMBER} | A product's version number |
{DOWNLOADABLE_APP_ID} | The unique marketplace ID of a downloadable application |
{COMPANY_WEBSITE} | A link to the company website's home page |
{COMPANY_PHONE} | A company's phone number |
{COMPANY_COUNTRY} | A company's country |
{CHANNEL_PRODUCTS_URL} | The link where a Marketplace Manager can view and manage a Developer's product |
{EVENT_TYPE} | The type of event that triggered the email notification |
{EVENT_TOKEN} | The unique ID of the event that triggered the email notification |
{REPORT_NAME} | The name that the report creator gives to the report |
{REPORTING_CENTER_URL} | The link where a user can download a report that was generated |
{REQUESTING_VENDOR_EMAIL} | Email address of the Developer who makes or approves a request |
{REQUESTING_APPLICATION_NAME} | Name of the application that a Developer is requesting to add to a marketplace, or that a Developer is approving for publication on a marketplace |
{REQUESTING_VENDOR_COMPANY} | Company name of the Developer who is making or approving a request |
{REQUESTING_VENDOR_PARTNER} | The name of the vendor's marketplace that has requested to add a product to a marketplace |
{HIGH_RISK_SETTINGS_CHANGED_BY} | The name of the user who changed a high-risk setting |
{HIGH_RISK_SETTINGS_CHANGED_DATETIME} | The time and date when a high-risk setting was changed |
{DOC_LINK} | A link to high-risk technical documentation |
{HIGH_RISK_SETTINGS} | The name of the high-risk setting that a user changed. If more than one setting was changed, they are displayed in a comma-separated list |
{BILLING_PHONE} | The user's phone number that is used for billing purposes |
{UNITS} | The number of items in the order or purchase |
{ADMIN_NAME} | The name of the Company Administrator who is referenced in the notification |
{MAX_USERS_COUNT} | The maximum number of seats that can be assigned for a product, based on the number defined in current subscription |
{CURRENT_USERS_COUNT} | The number of seats that are currently assigned to users for a given application |
{PREVIOUS_OWNER_NAME} | The name of the previous product owner before it was reassigned |
{NEW_OWNER_NAME} | The name of the new product owner, after the product was reassigned to them from the previous owner |
{REQUESTER_NAME} | Name of the user making the request |
{ESTIMATED_PRICE} | The estimated price of the product |
{INVOICE_URL} | The URL where a user can pay an invoice. |
{downloadInvoiceURL} | The URL of the page where the PDF invoice is automatically downloaded |
{invoiceURL} | The URL of the page that displays the invoice web view |
{DENIED_REASON} | The reason that a user's request was denied |
{REVIEWS_URL} | Link to the page where users can write or view a product review |
{ADDONS_COLLECTION} NOT USED | Addon items that are included in an order |
{APP_SUPPORT_EMAIL} | The email address where a user can request technical support for a product. |
Support_email | The email address where users can request support |
{PAYMENT_METHOD} | The payment method used by the user |
{SETUP_FEES_TOTALS} | The total cost of all setup fees as part of a purchase event. |
{ADDONS_TOTALS} | The total cost of all add-on fees as part of this purchase event. |
{APP_KNOWLEDGE_BASE_URL} | Link to product documentation that a Marketplace Manager or Developer can add to a product. |
{APP_LAUNCH_URL} | The link that the user can click to launch single sign-on for the purchased product |
{APP_SUPPORT_PHONE} | The phone number for the purchased application's technical support team |
{APPLICATION_NAME} | The name of the application referenced in the notification |
{AUTOMATIC_EXTENSION_OF_CONTRACT} | The date on which a contract renews |
{BILLING_FREQUENCY} | The frequency at which billing occurs (day, month, quarter, year and so on) |
{CONTRACT_DURATION} | The duration of the contract |
{CONTRACT_EXPIRY_DATE} | The date on which the contract expires |
{CREATION_DATE} | The date on which an order is created |
{EDITION_NAME} | The name of a product edition |
{ERROR} | The reason an order could not be completed |
{EXPIRATION_DATE} | The date on which a user's credit card is set to expire |
{FREE_TRIAL_DURATION} | The duration of a free trial period |
{GRACE_PERIOD_CANCELLATION} | The number of days after the free trial ends before the customer's service is canceled. During that time, they do not have access to their account and the application tile on their MyApps page appears in a suspended state. |
{INVOICE_NUMBER} | The marketplace-generated invoice number |
{ORDER_ID} | An order's unique identifier on the marketplace |
{PAYMENT_DATE} | The date a payment is made by a user |
{PAYMENT_NUMBER} | The payment ID |
{PAYMENT_TOTAL} | The total payment made by a user. For refunds, the total amount paid is negative |
{PRICING_UNIT} | The number of units of a product |
{PURCHASE_URL} | The link where a user can purchase a product after its free trial expires |
{RESELLER_COMPANY_NAME} | The name of the Reseller company |
{SETUP_FEES_COLLECTION} | setup fees associated with a purchase |
{TAX_TOTAL} | The total tax for all items in a purchase |
{TOTAL_PRICE} | The total price that appears on an order |
{TRIAL_END_DATE} | The date on which a free trial is set to end |
{VENDOR} | The name of the product Developer |
{DUE_DATE} | The date on which an invoice is due |
{APP_USERNAME} | The username of the user who purchased an application |
{USER_POSTAL_CODE} | The user's postal code |
{OPERATION} | The type of operation performed on a user's account |
{RESULT_MESSAGE} | The result of an operation that was performed on a user's account or on a marketplace |
{WORKFLOW_ID} | The execution ID of a workflow after an operation is completed on a marketplace |
{WORKFLOW_NAME} | The name of the workflow associated with an operation on a marketplace. |
{WORKFLOW_ENTITY_ID} | The workflow entity ID associated with an operation on a marketplace. |
{WORKFLOW_ENTITY_TYPE} | The workflow identity type of an operation on a marketplace |
{WORKFLOW_ENTITY_NAME} | The name of the workflow entity associated with an operation performed on a marketplace |
{WORKFLOW_RESULT} | The result of an operation performed on a marketplace |
{WORKFLOW_REPORT} | The detailed result of an operation performed on a marketplace |
{UPDATED_APP_USERNAME} | The updated Microsoft application username |
{GOOGLE_APPS_DOMAIN} | The Google application domain as it appears in a Google app username |
{ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER} | The account identifier included in the subscription details for purchase-related notifications |
{ORDER_ITEMS} | The order items included in the subscription details for purchase-related notifications |
{USER_UUID} | The user's ID that is included in the subscription details for purchase-related notifications |
{USER_LANGUAGE} | The user's language, included in the user details for purchase-related notifications |
{USER_CITY} | The user's city, included in the user details for purchase-related notifications |
{USER_STATE} | The user's state, included in the user details for purchase-related notifications |
{USER_COUNTRY} | The user's country, included in the user details for purchase-related notifications |
{COMPANY_UUID} | The company's UUID, included in the company details for purchase-related notifications |
{APP_LICENSE} | The license key required when a user installs the Mozy Pro PC client software on their machine |
{DOCUSIGN_PASSWORD_LINK} | The link where a user who has purchased or been assigned Docusign can configure their password |
{ERROR_DETAILS} | Details of errors that were discovered during a maintenance operation |
Carrier | The name of the shipping carrier |
shipmentStatus | The status of the shipment. For example: delivered, in transit, shipped |
trackingId | The shipping carrier-generated tracking ID |
trackingURL | The shipping carrier-generated tracking URL |
shipmentItems | The list of items that are included in a shipment |
cancellationNotes | Notes added for the user regarding the reason that a shipment was canceled |
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