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Advanced report settings

Marketplace managers can customize the default report settings to apply to all reports for their marketplace in the Advanced settings dialog.


These settings can be overridden when a user creates a report and changes them in the advanced settings for their report.

To customize the report settings for your marketplace

  1. Go to Manage > Marketplace > Settings > REPORTS > Advanced Settings. The Report Settings page opens.

  2. From the Default Settings dialog, select from the following values:

    Column separatorChange the symbol that appears between columns in the report.
    Date formatThe date format option that you select determines how dates are displayed in the report’s CSV or Excel file. If you do not change the default setting (Legacy), the columns within the report that you create might use different formats, depending on the report type. If you select another option from the drop-down list, all dates are displayed in the format that you select.
    Decimal separatorSelect the type of decimal separator for numerical values.
    File name templateCreate a template that defines the report's file name. When the report is created, its file name includes all of the parameters you select, in the order in which you select them. The parameters you select apply only to the report that you are currently generating. If the report is recurring, subsequent reports use the same template.
    Header formatDefine the header format for columns in the report.
    Footer formatSelect the footer format. The options are No Footer (the report has no footer) and Number of Data Rows (the number of rows is displayed in the footer).
    Report formatSelect the report format. The choices are:
    CSV—A comma-separated value file is created. If you select a custom column separator under Advanced Settings, it is used to separate columns in your report.
    Excel—The generated report is in Microsoft Excel format.
    CSV Quote All—The report is a CSV file in which all fields are enclosed in quotation marks.
    Email the creator of the report when it is generated.Send an email to the person who created the report after the report is created. This also applies to scheduled reports.
  3. Click Save. The defaults are saved and will appear when a user creates a report. The user can override these default settings in the Advanced Settings panel when they create their report.

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