Configure your marketplace to use AppReseller
This topic describes the configuration settings available to Marketplace Managers who use the optional AppReseller product with their marketplace.
Setting | Description | Documentation |
Automatically add a Developer's product to their Reseller Catalog checkbox on the Developers settings page. | Determines whether a product created by a Developer, who is also a Reseller, is visible and can be sold from his or her Reseller Catalog. | Configure Developer settings |
Three tables that contain a series of toggles that enable or disable permissions for Resellers, Referral Users, and Reseller Managers on the Role Permissions page. | Controls access to a number of individual role-based AppReseller features. | Configure Reseller role permissions |
The following email templates in the Accounts table on the Customer Notifications page:
| Notification templates used to contact AppReseller users when associated events occur. | Manage notifications v1 |
The following email templates in the Assisted Sales table on the Customer Notifications page:
| Notification templates used to contact AppReseller users when associated events occur. | Manage notifications v1 |
View, Edit, and Required checkboxes for Resellers in the Attribute Location table when adding or editing a custom attribute on the Custom Attributes page. | Determines whether Resellers can make or edit an entry in the associated custom attribute field. Also specifies whether an entry is required by Resellers in this custom field. | Create custom attributes |
Reseller Registrant option on the Resource drop-down list on the Add Webhook or Edit Webhook page. | Specifies that a webhook notification is sent when a potential reseller adds, deletes, or edits an account request on your marketplace. | |
Reseller checkbox in the Roles section of a user's details page if the user is a member of a company with Reseller Access. | Determines whether this user can access AppReseller features. | |
Company Access and User Access sections of the Create New Company dialog opened from the Companies page. | Manage a new company's access to AppReseller features. | Create companies |
Company Access, Reseller Permissions, and Default User Roles options on a company's details page. | Determines access to AppReseller features for members of this company. Additionally, specifies the default role assigned to new members of this company. | Create companies |
Link to Reseller option on the Manage Company drop-down list on a company's details page. | Enables members of the reseller company to sell to, and buy on behalf of, members of the linked customer company, and to view and manage those orders. | Link companies to reseller companies |
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