Create companies
📝 Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.
As Marketplace Manager, you can create more companies whose users interact with your marketplace, or who use applications on your marketplace.
📝 Note: This option is not available for marketplaces that use an external IdP.
When creating a new company, you must choose between two important access options:
- Company with login access—Creates a company whose first user has marketplace access and receives emails. Subsequent users can be added with, or without, login access and email notifications (see Add users to companies). The company is in a pending state until the first user activates their account.
- Company without login access—Creates a company in which users cannot log in and receive emails. The first and subsequent user accounts are enabled automatically, and they do not receive an account activation email. This feature enables you to create Companies that have users for whom you can purchase products, but who can only access them directly through the product interface.
For both options, you can also enable or disable the ability to add or invite new users. This setting is enabled by default.
To create a company with login access
- Go to one of the following pages, depending on your role:
- Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard > HOME | Companies. The Companies page opens.
- Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard > HOME| Companies > New Lead or Purchase. The Purchase Setup page opens.
- Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard > HOME| Users > New Lead or Purchase. The Purchase Setup page opens.
- Manage > Network > Dashboard > Customers | Companies. The Companies page opens.
- Click Create New Company.
The Create New Company page opens. - Enter the company name.
- (Optional) Select an industry.
- (Optional) Select a company size.
- Enter a company contact phone number.
- Select Allow Login (default setting).
- (Optional) Enable or disable Allow User Creation and Invitations. This setting is enabled by default. After you disable it, users can't add or invite new users to the company.
- Leave the Company Access checkboxes clear.
The new company can only access consumer features on the marketplace (purchases, upgrades, free trials, and so on). You can edit the company’s access later if needed. For more information, see Define company access and default user roles. - (Optional) Click the Features toggle to enable On-Device Sales Automation (ODSA) for this company. This allows mobile applications to be provisioned from the marketplace to company members' iOS devices as described in Configure On-Device Sales Automation.
- In the First User panel, enter the following information:
- First name.
- Last name.
- Email.
- Confirm email.
- Roles (roles supported for this company).
- Click Create New Company. The following occurs:
- The new company is created and appears in the table on the Companies page with the status Pending.
- If the first user is new to the marketplace, a new user account is created, and the user receives an email request to activate the account. After the user activates the account, the company status on the Company Details page changes to Enabled. For more information, see View and manage company details for more information.
- If the first user is an existing marketplace user, he or she receives an email request to join the new company.
For more information about adding new users to this type of company, see Add users to companies.
To create a company without login access
- Go to one of the following pages, depending on your role:
- Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard > HOME | Companies. The Companies page opens.
- Manage > Network > Dashboard > Customers | Companies. The Companies page opens.
- Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard > HOME| Companies > New Lead or Purchase. The Purchase Setup page opens.
- Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard > HOME| Users > New Lead or Purchase. The Purchase Setup page opens.
- Click Create New Company. The Create New Company page opens.
- Enter the company name.
- (Optional) Select an industry.
- (Optional) Select a company size.
- Enter a company contact phone number.
- Clear the Allow Login toggle. The toggle is dimmed.
- In the First User panel, enter the following information:
- First name.
- Last name.
- Email.
- Confirm email.
- Roles (select the roles that are supported for this company).
- Click Create New Company. The new company is created and appears in the table on the Companies page with the status Enabled. For more information, see View and manage company details.
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