View companies
❗ Important: The v1 version of company listing and company details pages is deprecated and no longer available for new product integrations. Existing v1 integrations continue to work, but v1 is no longer available for new marketplaces, and enhancements will no longer be made to v1 company listing and details pages. Support for v1 will end when the product is retired (planned for May 26, 2022). See Product lifecycle phases for more information. If you see the New Lead or Purchase button on company listing and details pages, your marketplace currently uses v2 for company pages. Contact your AppDirect technical representative to have v2 enabled for your marketplace.
You can view a list of companies on the marketplace on the Companies page. This page includes a table that displays a summary of information for each company, including company status, date created, number of users, and so on. By default, the company that was added most recently is listed first. To view the details for a specific company, see View and manage company details.
You can use filters to display specific companies, and you can download a one-time Companies report. If you generate a Companies report from the Companies page, you don’t have access to all of the options and filters that are available on the Create Reports page (see Create reports), but you can apply filters to refine the scope of the report.
If your marketplace has V2 users enabled (for all marketplaces created after October 11, 2019) you can also create a new lead or purchase directly from the user details page. If V2 is not enabled, the New Lead or Purchase button is not visible on the page.
📝 Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.
To view companies and download a Companies report
- Go Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard > Home | Companies.
- (Optional) Select from the available filters to display companies. The available filters include:
- Developer status—Show All, Only Developers, Only Non Developers, Only Resellers
- Marketplace status—All, Only Admins, Only Non Admins
- Created between—Date range for the report
- Enabled—Options include: Show All, Only Enabled, Only Disabled
- Activated—Options include: Show All, Only Active, Only Inactive
- (Optional) To download a report, click Download Report. If you applied filters in the previous step, the report is based on those filters. Otherwise, the report includes data for all companies, with no defined date range. A message notifies you that you will receive a notification when the report is ready. After the report is generated, a notification confirms that the report is available, and it includes links to download the report from the Companies page, or from the Download Reports page. For more information about dowwnloading reports, see Download reports.
To create a new lead or purchase
- Click New Lead or Purchase. The Purchase setup page opens.
- For detailed procedure, see Create opportunities.
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