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Invite users to companies

This topic describes how Marketplace Managers can invite new or existing marketplace users to join a company from the company's details page.

Depending on your marketplace configuration, Marketplace Managers can either add users, as described in this topic, or invite users. In both cases, the procedure begins on the company details page. However, you will see either an Add Users or Invite Users menu option. If you see an Add Users option, see Add users to companies for further instructions.

Company Administrators can also invite users to join their company from the dashboard as described in Invite users.

To invite users to join a company

đź“ť Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.

  1. Go to Manage > Marketplace > Dashboard > Home | Companies. The Companies page opens.
  2. Click the name of the company that you want to invite users to join. The selected company's details page opens.
  3. Click Manage Company, then select ​Invite Users. The Invite Users to Company dialog appears.
  4. Do one or both of the following:
    • Enter the email addresses of each user you want to invite to join your marketplace company, then select a role for each user. The following roles are available:
      • User—Sometimes referred to as a customer or end user, these users can access their marketplace product listings, make purchases, be assigned applications by an administrator, and access applications from the MyApps page.
      • Product Support—Assist Developers during product integration. These users can edit any product's details from the product dashboard or profile. They can also manage the product catalog for a marketplace.
      • Customer Support—Create registered companies on a marketplace and invite their first user to register and activate an associated user account. They can also administer user account settings for all registered users on a marketplace.
      • Marketplace Manager—Manage users, companies, and products on a marketplace.
      • Sales Support—Create registered companies on a marketplace and invite their first user to register and activate an associated user account. They can also buy products and bundles on behalf of any other user.
      • Reseller Manager—Manage a team of resellers, reseller companies, and the orders, quotes, and sales opportunities that they create.
    • Click the Upload Email List tab, then navigate to a single-column plain text file less than 2MB in size, with one email per line, and a maximum of 2,000 lines.
  5. Click Send Invitations. Invited users must click the Activate Account link in the email and complete the activation form to activate their account. Users can only access marketplace products after their account is activated.

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