V2 notification system configuration
AppDirect must enable version 2 (v2) notifications for them to appear on your marketplace. Contact your AppDirect technical representative if you have questions.
To determine if you have v2 notifications enabled on your marketplace, go to the Notifications listing page at Manage > Marketplace > Settings > Custom UI | Notifications. Click Filters, then select Advanced features. If v2 notifications are enabled on your marketplace, the table displays only advanced (v2) notifications and the v2 value is included in the Version for every notification listed.
By default, the v2 notification system is implemented on your marketplace as follows:
- It is operational in your test and production environments.
- It includes all existing version 1 (v1) email template types and some v2 template types (those migrated from v1 and those that are new for v2) on the Notifications page. You can continue using existing v1 notifications and also take advantage of the new v2 notifications system. The weekly Release Notes alert you when additional v2 templates are available.
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