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Companies file

This file contains information about companies on your marketplace.

To create a companies file

  • Create a CSV file with the following column headings. Add a row for each company. Each file can contain multiple companies.
EXTERNAL_IDThe unique external ID of the company.
NAMEName of the contact point.
STREET1Line 1 of the customer company address.
STREET2Line 2 of the customer company address.
CITYCity of the customer company address.
STATEState of the customer company address.
ZIPZIP Code of the customer company address.
COUNTRYCountry Code of the customer company address. This should be in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
PHONECustomer company phone.
BILLING_STREET1Line 1 of the billing company address.
BILLING_CITYCity of the billing company address.
CREATED_BY_EXTERNAL_IDThe external identifier of the user who created the company. This heading is required if the company has billing information.
ISV:existingMarketplaceSubscriptionThe optional boolean value to identify whether the migrating subscription is an existing marketplace subscription ( case of cancel and remigrate ) or fresh migration. Default value is False as fresh subscriptions are directly migrated from Google.
ISV:isAllowSSOThe optional boolean value to identify whether to pass or not pass the details of seamless SSO to connector for the migrating subscription. Required details will be passed only when the AuthenticationType is SAML and this field is true.
METADATA:entitlementNameStores the resource name of the workspace subscription on Google. This field is required only when the new Channel Services is enabled for Google Productivity.

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