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Configure Developer settings

The following procedure describes the settings available to the Marketplace Manager to configure how Developers interact with your marketplace.

To configure Developer settings

đź“ť Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.

Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Billing and Distribution, or Manage > Developer appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Distribution, instead.

  1. Go to Manage > Marketplace > Settings > SETTINGS | Developers. The Developers page opens.

  2. (Optional) Set the following options in the Support pane:

    1. Enter the fully qualified URL for any developer documentation you have created in the Documentation URL field. Developers see a link to this documentation at one of the following locations depending on their account type:
      • Manage > Billing and Distribution > Documentation
      • Manage > Developer > Documentation
    2. Enter the fully qualified URL for your service terms document in the Developer Terms and Conditions URL field. A link to this URL appears in the following places, depending on the Developer's user account:
      • At Manage > Developer > Products, Developers who log on for the first time see a dialog that requires them to agree to these terms before they can continue.
      • On the Create New Product page, Developers must click the checkbox to agree to these terms before they create a product.
    3. Enter or select the date on which you updated the terms and conditions document in the Developer Terms and Conditions Updated On field.
  3. (Optional) Set the following options in the in the Developer Portal pane:

    1. Click the Customer Access checkbox to allow Developers to access to the Bills and Customers tabs. If the checkbox is clear, the Bills and Customers tabs are hidden from Developers.

    Caution: This is a high-risk setting. For information about what might happen if you change it, see High-risk settings.

    1. Click the Lead Management checkbox to allow Developers and Resellers (if there are any in the Developers' company)—in addition to Marketplace Managers—to manage leads generated by their products if your marketplace is configured to support lead generation on product profiles.
      • When this checkbox is clear, Developers and Resellers cannot manage leads for their own products and the product’s Marketplace Settings page displays a message that alerts users of this marketplace-level restriction.
      • When this checkbox is selected, the following events occur:
        • The Developer of a product and Resellers in the same company are assigned leads generated from the product's profile.
        • Marketplace Managers can override this marketplace-level lead assignment on a per-product basis on the product’s Marketplace Settings page as described in Edit product marketplace settings.
    2. Click the Reseller checkbox to automatically add Developers' products to their Reseller Catalog if the Developer company also has Reseller rights. Developers and Resellers in companies that have Reseller rights can sell these products using the assisted sales flow.
    3. Click the APIs and Integration Events checkbox to display the subscription UUID in the user event payloads. For more information, see User events.
  4. Click Save Settings to save any updates you made on this page.

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