Create segmented invoice templates
Marketplace Managers can utilize segments to create custom invoice templates with content and design features that meet the needs of specific customer groups.
Before you can assign templates to customer segments, you need to create at least one segment folder, and at least one segment within the folder. For mor einformation on segments, see Segments.
The ability to customize invoice templates is enabled by default for new marketplaces. If it is not enabled on your marketplace, contact your AppDirect technical representative.
You can create invoice templates that target a single segment, or a combination of segments. For example, you might create a template, then assign it to four segments, as follows:
Segment folder name | Segment name |
Role | Company Administrators |
Company size | Medium |
Industry | Transportation |
Geographic region | North America |
In that example, the resulting invoice template can only be used to generate invoices for users that meet those segment conditions.
Before you start
Before you start working with segmented invoice templates, read the following information.
When a marketplace is created, it comes with one default invoice template for every locale (regional language) that the marketplace supports, for example, English (United States). That template is referred to as the seed template.
The following information provides important details about invoice template types and statuses, and how creating segmented invoice templates works.
Template status
Template status | Description | Notes |
Active template | A template that is published and currently in use. Active templates are used to generate customer invoices. They can be default or segmented templates. Only active templates can be used to generate customer invoices. If you create a copy of a template and do not publish it, it is not used to generate customer invoices (its status remains inactive). | You can only have one active default template per locale. You can have multiple segmented templates per locale. If you have more than 3 active templates (1 default and 2 or more active segmented templates), you need to prioritize them. For more information, see Prioritize invoice templates. |
Inactive template | A default or segmented template that is automatically deactivated after you use it to create and publish a new template. | Inactive templates are not used to generate customer invoices. You can create a copy of an inactive template to create a new template. |
Template type
You can create a copy of any type of template (seed, default, segmented templates). The resulting template differs based on what you do with the template copy. The following table provides more information.
Template type | Description | Notes |
Seed template | The read-only unmodified default template that comes with every marketplace. There is one seed template for each locale—for example, English (United States). Unless you create and publish additional templates, the system generates all customer invoices using this template. | If you create and publish a copy of the seed template (with or without modifications), the copy that you create becomes the new default template. You can edit a copy of the seed template with text and layout modifications. After it is published, the new template becomes the default template. You can copy the new default template to create a segmented invoice template. |
Default template | The template that is currently active and that has no segments assigned to it. This can be the seed template, or a template that you create and publish from the seed template. If you have only a default template and no active segmented templates, the default template is used to generate all invoices for customers in the given locale. | You can edit a default template with text and layout changes, but you cannot assign segments to it. This is to ensure that every locale has one active template that can be used to generate invoices for all customers. Only one default template can be active at any given time. |
Segmented template | A template that you create from a copy of a default template or from a segmented template. Customers that are included in the segment or segments assigned to a template receive that template instead of the default template. If customers are not included in a segment, the system generates their invoice from the default template. If you create a segmented template, then remove all of the segments, the template becomes the default template for the given locale. If you copy a segmented template and retain all of the segments from the template you are copying, the new template becomes the default for all customers included in those segments. | Customers can be included in more than one segment. When this occurs, the template that they receive is determined by prioritization. You can create multiple templates that have segments assigned to them. However, only one template can be active for any segment. If you have more than three templates (1 default and 2 or more segmented templates), you need to prioritize templates. For more information on prioritizing templates, see Prioritize invoice templates. If you have more than one active template, the default template is always prioritized last, based on the assumption that you created a new template to meet specific needs that the default cannot meet. |
To create a segmented invoice template
📝 Note: If the AppDirect logo appears in the upper-left corner of the page, when Manage > Marketplace appears in this topic, click the grid icon > Switch to | Store, instead.
- Go to Manage > Marketplace > Settings > Billing Settings| Invoice templates. The Invoice Templates listing page opens.
- In the row that contains the template that you want to copy, click the gear icon, then select Copy Template from the drop-down list. The Copy Template dialog opens.
- Enter a name for the new template. Select a name that differentiates it from other existing templates.
- Select the locale (regional language).
Note: If you change the locale, after you save the template you need to manually update the template's content to match your language selection. For more information, see Edit templates with the visual editor.
- (Optional) If Copy template assignments appears in the dialog, the template that you are copying is assigned to one or more customer segments. Click the toggle to apply the same segments to the new template. You can change template assignments later if you need to, but you can only have one template per segment, per locale. For more infofrmation on how to edit invoice template segments, see Edit invoice template segments.
- Click Create Copy. The new template is created and the Invoice Templates listing page opens. A notification confirms that the template was created. It contains a link that you can click to open the template segmentation page.
- To assign the template to segments, click the row that contains the new template. You can also click the link referred to in the previous step. The template opens.
- Click Assign Segments. The template assignments pane opens.
- Select a segment folder (group) in the left column of the Template assignments pane. The list of available segments for that segment folder appears in the right column.
- Select one or more segments in the right column. After you add a segment, it appears in the bottom pane. To remove a segment, clear it in the right pane, or click X next to the segment in the bottom pane.
- Click Save. The Change Customer Assignments dialog opens.
Important: If the template that you are creating uses a segment that you used previously in another template for the same locale (regional language), the confirmation dialog notifies you that if you proceed and then publish the template, this new template will become the active template for that locale, and it will be used to generate customer invoices. The previous template becomes inactive after you publish the new template.
- (Optional) Assign the template to additional segments.
- Click Save. The invoice template is now assigned to the selected segments. The template is not live and not available for active use until you publish it. You can publish it now, or later.
- (Optional) Click Publish to change the template status to active. The template now appears with the Active state on the Invoice Templates listing page. If you have multiple active templates for customers in the locale, a message notifies you that you need to prioritize the templates in order of importance to make sure that customers receive the correct template. If you do not prioritize the templates, the most recent template takes priority over other templates that you created previously.
- (Optional) Click Prioritize Templates.The Prioritize Templates page opens. For more information, see Prioritize invoice templates.
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