Archive invoices
Document Builder can support quote and invoice templates. However, even if Document Builder is enabled and accessible through the user interface, additional one-time configuration might be required.
Go to Manage > Marketplace > Settings.
- If DOCUMENT BUILDER appears in the left menu, see Document Builder prerequisites to confirm whether it is configured for invoice templates, quote templates, both, or neither.
- If DOCUMENT BUILDER does not appear in the left menu, either Contact your AppDirect technical representative to request it, or see Invoice templates and Quote templates to create and manage templates instead.
Marketplace Managers can request that PDF invoices be archived after a defined period of time.
Invoice PDFs are retained, by default, for 120 months. AppDirect can configure a different retention period (in months) for your marketplace. A change to the archiving setting or retention period could render the company non-compliant with local statutory requirements for document retention and data management. Check the requirements in your area before you request this feature.
PDFs are automatically deleted at the end of the retention period. However, the invoice data is not deleted and remains visible through the user interface.
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