Update subscriptions
You update subscriptions when you, for example, change to a different edition of the same product, change the quantity of user licenses for the current edition, or add an add-on product to the current or new edition.
You can update subscriptions when all invoices for the subscription are paid. Some marketplaces will make subscription updates on your behalf when invoices are unpaid. Contact the Marketplace Manager for information.
Contract terms can limit the updates you can make to subscriptions. The current subscription contract terms are either the default product contract terms when the customers bought the products or last changed their subscription, or were customized during assisted sales with the Opportunities feature when the customers bought the products. When you change a subscription, the currently configured product contract terms apply to the subscription until it is changed again or ends.
When subscriptions are ineligible for editing, the Update Subscription option does not appear in the user interface.
To update subscriptions
- Go to Manage > Account > Applications. The Manage Apps page opens.
- Click Update Subscription next to the application that you want to update. The application details page opens and displays the Upgrade Subscription tab. The tab shows the edition that you are currently subscribed to, other available editions, and add-ons available for this product.
- (Optional) Complete one of the following, as required:
- Select a different edition.
- Edit the number of Total [units]. The number you enter overwrites the previous total.
- Click Allocate Invoices to split invoices within your organization based on geographical locations, cost centers, or departments.
a. Allocate the required number of invoices amongst the cost centers.
b. Click Save.
On completion of the purchase, invoices will be issued to each cost center based on the allocation. - (Optional) Select an add-on for your current or new edition.
- Click Continue. The Billing Details page opens. If the Developer has applied a restriction to the selected subscription, a message appears.
- Click Continue. The Confirm Order page opens.
- Click Place Order. The Order Receipt page opens.
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