View billing history
The following procedure describes how Company and Billing Administrators view the billing history of a product purchased and managed by your company.
To view billing history
Go to Manage > Account > Applications > {applicationName} | Manage > Billing History.The Order History tab of the application's details page appears. The Order History tab now includes the following columns:
- ID—Unique identifier for the purchase order.
- Service Start Date (Updated)—Beginning date of the billing cycle. This column was previously labeled as Start Date.
- Status (Updated)—Displays Active, Finished, Free Trial, Upcoming, or Failed. For one-time orders, see One-time order status options below the graphic for postpaid and prepaid orders.
- Invoice (New)—Displays Postpaid for metered usage orders and Prepaid for all other orders.
- Type (New)—Displays Recurring, Metered Usage, Setup Fee, Additional Fee, Termination Fee, Refund, or Credit.
- Created By—Name of the user that purchased the product.
- Edition—Name of the edition purchased.
- Frequency—Displays Monthly or One-Time.
- Total Fee—Total order amount, unless the order is in Free Trial status, in which case the Total Fee column displays Free Trial.
The following image shows the updated Order History tab.
One-time order status options
One-time orders can display the following Status for Postpaid orders (used for metered usage):-
Active (green icon)—Billing period is current and ongoing.
Free Trial (green icon)—Billing period and start date is scheduled for the future and appears as a free trial.
Upcoming (yellow icon)— Billing period and start date is scheduled for the future.
Finished (gray icon)—Billing period has ended and appears in the table for your records.
Note: Metered usage for recurring and tiered revenue model products is recorded on one-time orders. Each time metered usage is received, that order is used to invoice the customer.
One-time orders can display the following status for Prepaid orders:
- Free Trial (green icon)—Billing period and start date is scheduled for the future and appears as a free trial.
- Upcoming (yellow icon)—Billing period and start date is scheduled for the future.
- Finished (gray icon)—Billing period has ended and appears in the table for your records.
(Optional) Click a row in the table to display the Order Details dialog for that order. From this window you can add a sales agent to the order, cancel the subscription, view the tax included in the total price, display the application's terms and conditions, and view the following information:
- Order number—The system-generated order number.
- Ordered by—Details about the user who created the order.
- Status—The status of the order from the following list of possible statuses:
- For both one-time and recurring orders
- Active—Ongoing and is invoiced.
- Finished—No longer active and is not invoiced.
- Failed—Could not be successfully activated and is not invoiced.
- Suspended—Temporarily deactivated and is not invoiced.
- Free trial—Sample subscription that is not invoiced.
- Upcoming—The billing start date is in the future.
- For recurring orders (monthly, quarterly, six months, yearly, two years, three years, or daily)
- Pending customer approval—The customer has not yet approved the order.
- Free trial expired—The free trial has ended.
- Free trial canceled—The free trial is canceled.
- Pending remote creation—The provisioning request was sent to the product's developer, but the developer has not yet responded.
- Pending async creation—The provisioning request was sent by AppDirect to the product's developer, the developer acknowledged the request and confirmed that it would be processed asynchronously.
- Pending manual recovery—The provisioning request was sent to the product's developer. The developer responded that there was a failure in processing the request or there was no response from the developer. The event must be manually resolved by a Marketplace Manager.
- Pending migration activation—The order was migrated from another system and is pending activation. The customer is billed after the order is active.
- Pending delayed provisioning—The order is scheduled to be provisioned at a later date.
- For both one-time and recurring orders
- Company ID—Unique identifier for the company on the marketplace.
- Order Created—The date on which the order is created.
- Service Start Date—The date on which the service starts.
- Billing Start Date—The date on which billing begins.
- Next Invoice Date—The order's next billable date.
- Invoice—Indicates whether this order’s fees are invoiced at the beginning of the billing period or after the billing period ends (prepaid or postpaid).
- Type—Identifies the type of charges on this order, as follows:
- Recurring
- One time
- Metered usage
- Setup fee
- Additional fee
- Termination fee
- Refund
- Credit
For more information on order types, see Purchase order types.
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