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Edit included items

The price of an add-on may or may not include predefined items, such as a number of users or a number of megabytes. If it is intended to, complete the following procedure to configure them.

To edit included items

  1. If you are not already on the Manage Add-On Pricing page, click Manage > Billing and Distribution > Products > productName | Edit > Connections & Pricing | Pricing. The Manage Add-on Pricing page opens for the selected add-on product.
  2. Under the Included items section, enter the unit type to be included. For example, users or megabytes.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Enter the quantity of the configured items to be included.
    • Select Unlimited. This option is only available for configuration if a price per unit is not configured in the price configuration sections. When selected, customers purchase one for unlimited use.
  4. (Optional) To define another inclusion, complete the following steps:
    1. Click Include another item. New included items fields appear.
    2. Return to step 2 and repeat as required.
  5. Click Save Plan to save this configuration. A message confirms that the configuration is saved.
  6. (Optional) To configure add-on features and benefits, see Edit add-on features and benefits.

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